
Family Services

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Receiving Requests from Staff for a Flexible Work Arrangement

The process begins when a staff member submits a request. Staff are encouraged to initiate a verbal conversation to communicate interest in a flexible work arrangement.  '


Evaluating Requests for Flexible Work Arrangements

Reason Neutral

Consider a Flexible Work Arrangement request as “reason neutral”, ie. the reason for the request is not one of the variables used to determine feasibility.

  • If a request is approved based on the employee’s needs and not on feasibility, other problems or issues may result for the staff member or unit.
  • If a request is denied based on preconceived notions as to what is or is not a valid reason, the process may be seen as questionable and biased.


Determining Feasibility

There are several variables that can be used to determine feasibility, including:

  • Unit programs and projects, including deadlines
  • The requesting staff member’s area of responsibility and job description
  • The staff member’s performance history, problem-solving abilities, sense of collaboration, and fit with the request
  • How the request fits the unit’s mission, staffing needs, and resources


Approving, Negotiating or Denying Requests

Approving a Flexible Work Arrangement Request

Once the details have been agreed upon between yourself and your staff member, the staff member will initiate the Approval for Flexible Work Arrangement form via workflow.


Denying a Flexible Work Arrangement Request

Granting a staff member’s request for a Flexible Work Arrangement is not always an option for a variety of reasons. If a request is not approved, provide a written denial with the rationale. Denial should be based upon objective criteria such as the staff member’s past performance, poor fit to the position, financial viability, or unit needs. It is best practice to provide them written documentation of the denial with reasoning indicated. An example of sample wording is:

After reviewing your request for a flexible work arrangement and assessing the needs of the department/unit, I regret that I am not able to approve your request at this time. An explanation is provided below.
If you would like to discuss the denial, please contact me. Please remember that the approval of a flexible work arrangement is at the discretion of the department, however, there may be another policy or resource that could be accessed regarding your need. If you wish to explore this with me, please schedule a time for us to meet.


Tracking Flexible Work Arrangements

Utilizing the Approval for Flexible Work Arrangement form in Workflow allows for the automatic tracking of approved flexible work arrangements for staff under your supervision.


Other Best Practices to Consider

  • Set supervisor and employee expectations for coverage within the department/unit up front. Establish guidelines for when the arrangement may need to change temporarily to accommodate co-worker vacation or illness.
  • If staff are telecommuting from home, children or other family members should not be present in the home. Establish a plan for their care in advance.
  • Establish how the success of the arrangement will be measured
  • Set a trial period of three months (recommended) to determine if the arrangement is effective.
  • Review the arrangement annually
  • Determine how or when the arrangement will end.
  • Be creative in considering how flexibility may work in your department/unit.