
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

The university’s Policy Manual is the central resource for most policies on managing performance. Following are links to some of the most relevant sections:

University Purpose and Mission: Specifies University of Iowa core values, which help set a common foundation for performance expectations. (See also WECARE Core Values from University of Iowa Health Care.)

Performance Review for University Staff: Establishes philosophy and methods for setting expectations, periodically evaluating performance, encouraging professional development, and informing salary increases.

Review of Tenured Faculty Members: Outlines procedures for review of tenured faculty teaching, scholarship, and service, including annual and peer reviews.

Ethics and Responsibilities of University Staff: Describes staff responsibilities in areas including professional conduct, fairness, civility, compliance, information and data management, and stewardship.

Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility: Documents faculty responsibilities to students, scholarship, colleagues, the university, and the community.

Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination: Established procedures for initiating and conducting proceedings against faculty members whose performance fails to meet an acceptable standard of duty.

Conflicts of Commitment and Interest: Establishes guidelines for managing potential conflicts involving personal, professional, commercial, or financial activities or interests that may interfere with an employee’s UI position.