
Ergonomics Program

Campus Address
120 USB
Mailing Address

120 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Office Ergonomics Tips

The goal of office ergonomics is to design your office workstation so it fits you and provides a comfortable working environment for maximum productivity and efficiency. Following a few simple guidelines and/or utilizing a sit-stand workstation can help you significantly improve your office workspace.

Reversal of Posture Stretches

  • Increase your ability to perform everyday tasks at work and home
  • Decrease your risk of musculoskeletal and cumulative trauma disorders
  • Lead to less joint wear and tear and reduce osteoarthritis joint stiffness and pain
  • Reduce muscle fatigue and soreness
  • Increase blood supply and nutrients to your muscles, tendons, and joints
  • Reduce stress

Ergonomics Workstation Assessment and Evaluation

The Ergonomic Workstation Assessment and Evaluation process is designed to provide employees with education, self-awareness, and on-site assistance if they believe their work areas may not be optimal. These services are a free benefit to all University of Iowa faculty and staff.

  • Complete the ICON course “Ergonomics—Computer Use” found in the Online Icon Courses via Employee Self-Service on the My Training Available tab.
  • Complete Ergonomic Risk Survey: Computer Use.
  • Once completed, you will be contacted by the Ergonomics Program if an on-site evaluation is requested.

Office Ergonomic Equipment Resource List

Selecting proper equipment can make a difference in your comfort and safety.  Suggested ergonomic equipment is available through our contracted providers.