

Campus Address
Mailing Address

E119 Campus Recreation and Wellness Center
309 South Madison Street
Iowa City, IA 52242-2010
United States

Wellness Ambassadors at the University of Iowa are employee volunteers who are passionate about providing health and well-being opportunities to their unit. They collaborate with the liveWELL program to increase awareness of campus resources and promote a culture of well-being.

You will enjoy many benefits as a Wellness Ambassador, including:

Collage of Wellness Ambassadors from Zoom call
  • Receiving first-hand information on liveWELL programs
  • Inspiration to be a healthy role model
  • Expanding your knowledge of health and wellness
  • Playing an important role in improving morale within your department

Click Here to Apply 

Note: Your application will be reviewed by your supervisor and human resources representative (HR rep) to ensure that this is something that fits well with your current workload and capacity. Serving as a Wellness Ambassador will require about 30-minutes of time per month, but could be up to two hours per month on occasion if you are organizing a special wellness program or event for your work area.  

How to Participate:

  • Encourage well-being in your unit
  • Share one to two announcements from liveWELL each month
  • Attend most Wellness Ambassador monthly meetings
  • Support strategic mental health and well-being services such as:  
  • Plan local well-being activities and events in your department
  • Participate in outreach activities (Health and Well-Being Fair, liveWELL tabling events, etc., trainings, and additional meetings to enhance well-being programs and services.

What if My Department Already has a Wellness Ambassador?

In some cases it makes sense to have more than one Wellness Ambassador—for example, if your department is split up into sub-units or different buildings. UI Wellness will visit with you, other Wellness Ambassadors from the department, and the local HR rep to determine whether this is a good idea.

Wellness Ambassador Listing

women sitting cross-legged on yoga mats on grass next to the UI libray