Administrative surveys or questionnaires sent to University of Iowa faculty, staff, or students require prior review and approval from a review panel. The expectation is that the survey is being used to inform departmental, collegiate, and university strategic planning, or to provide responsive information to accrediting agencies. The guidelines below help ensure privacy protections, reduce redundancy, and improve administrative research methodology.
Reviews require three to ten working days depending on survey/questionnaire type or content and review level.
Submitting Materials for Review
The following should be sent to either the associate provost for faculty or the chief human resources officer, who serve as review panel co-chairs:
- Cover letter stating the general goals of the administrative survey or questionnaire
- Survey or questionnaire instrument
- Any cover letters, instructions, or other material that will accompany the survey or questionnaire when sent to the targeted audience
Materials should be sent electronically or by campus mail. The preferred method is electronic.
Review Levels
Level 1
Typically involves an annual survey/questionnaire that has been approved as a Level 2 or Level 3 survey/questionnaire in a previous year. The co-chairs shall send an announcement to members of the review panel detailing the following:
- Survey/questionnaire purpose
- Sample size and status of targeted respondents
- Anticipated distribution date
No feedback is requested from the review panel at Level 1.
Level 2
Typically involves a new survey/questionnaire that the co-chairs have evaluated as straightforward and approved. The co-chairs shall send an announcement with the survey/questionnaire instrument requesting feedback within five working days. Feedback from the review panel at Level 2 is sent directly to the sponsor of the survey/questionnaire.
Level 3
Typically involves a new survey/questionnaire that the co-chairs have evaluated as raising issues for discussion either in content or format. The co-chairs shall send an announcement with the survey/questionnaire instrument requiring feedback within 10 working days. Feedback at Level 3 is sent directly to the co-chairs.
Review Timeline
Following receipt of materials for review by the Associate Provost for Faculty or the Chief Human Resources Officer, survey/questionnaire sponsors should plan on the following timeframes for the process to be completed by the review panel.
- Level 1: Three working days
- Level 2: Five working days
- Level 3: Ten working days
See also: Policy Manual