The following information is intended for reference only. Merit employment and compensation is governed by the Merit Rules, which are established by the Board of Regents.
What Is Merit Employment?
The Merit system includes five employee groups: Clerical, Technical, Blue Collar, Security, and Supervisory. These employees belong to the AFSCME Council 61 bargaining unit. Positions in the Merit system typically do not require the advanced knowledge gained through the completion of a college education. There are often minimum requirements for education, experience, training and/or certifications although this is not always the case.
Jump to: Merit Probation and Salary Information by Type - Establishing a Merit Position - Merit Classification Review - Merit to Professional and Scientific Classification Review - Appointing Hourly Merit Employees - Lead Worker Status - Merit Staff Term Appointment, Extension and Transfer Guidelines - Special Assignment - Departmental Competitive Promotion Process - Merit School Term Guidelines
Merit Probation and Salary Information by Type
In Merit employment, permanency means the successful completion of a six month probation period in the classification currently being held, or if in continuous employment, the last classification held in which the probation period was completed if currently serving a probation in a different classification. The six month probation period is for determining an employee's fitness for the position.
Probation Note: There is no probation period for a current permanent employee who has successfully served a probation in a class while in continuous employment.
Salary Note: When computing a salary, the new salary cannot exceed the top step of the new pay grade assignment.
Merit Probation and Salary Information by Type
Lateral Transfer
A lateral transfer is a change from one position to a different position in the same pay grade.
- In the same classification does not serve a probation period (for example, clerk II to clerk II)
- In a different classification serves a six-month probation period
- Salary remains at the current rate, unless the position to which the employee is leaving has an advanced rate. The salary will be increased to the advanced rate if the employee's current salary is below the advanced rate.
Promotion/Departmental Competitive Promotion
A promotion is a change from one position to a different position that is in a higher pay grade.
- Serves a six-month probation period
- Receives the standard 4.5% increase unless circumstances warrant a different increase
- The department may request an additional 4.5% increase if the promotion is to a position that is three or more pay grades higher than the current one.
A demotion is a change from one position to a different position that is in a lower pay grade.
- In series does not serve a probation period (ex. secretary III to secretary II)
- Out of series serves a six-month probation period (ex. secretary III to clerk III)
- Salary may be set at any step within the lower pay grade that does not exceed the current pay with prior approval from University Human Resources.
Trainee to Journey Status
- Does not serve a probation period at the journey level if successfully completes the training program
- A current trainee pay plan is available via the Pay Plans Directory.
New Hire
- Serves a six-month probation period
- Receives the beginning rate for the classification in which he/she was hired
Reinstatement applies to previous permanent Iowa Board of Regents Merit Employees who resigned in good standing. This reinstatement status applies to classifications where the qualifications are met and are in the same pay grade or lower than the last permanent job previously held.
- Serves a six-month probation period
- Will be paid at a rate no greater than what the employee was last paid and between the minimum and maximum of the pay grade. An employee who is returned to a merit system position from a professional position, will be paid in accordance with subrule 3.39(4), pay on demotion.
Establishing New Merit Positions
Forms Need to Establish a New Merit Position
Departments should complete the following forms to establish a new Merit position:
- Essential and Marginal Job Function Analysis (Contact FSDS for a copy)
- Unit Organizational Chart highlighting location of proposed position
- Position Change Form (available in the HR Position Management System)
Merit Classification Review
Merit Classification Review
When the duties and responsibilities of a position substantially differ from those established in the Board of Regents general position description for the current classification, the position may be considered for reclassification to a higher, equal, or lower pay grade. The employee must meet all minimum eligibility requirements of the classification being requested. For any experience requirement, the time worked is calculated on a full-time equivalent basis. A position cannot be reclassified within three months of being filled or during the probationary period of an employee. Employees meeting all of these requirements, must also perform the duties of the new classification for a reasonable amount of time for the department to determine the employee's fit within the new classification. This is typically considered to be six months. There is no probationary period following a reclassification.
Refer to Merit Rules 681 -- 3.14 (19A) Definitions (page 2).
“Classification review” is the process initiated by a permanent employee or department head requesting review of the classification of the employee's position.
“Classification appeal” is the act of contesting the classification or reclassification of a position as determined by the merit system director after a review of the duties and responsibilities of the position.
A staff member, supervisor, or department/administrative unit initiates a Merit reclassification request by preparing the Merit PDQ (docx) form. The form must specify:
- Employee’s name
- Employee’s current classification
- Appropriate target classification
Additional comments may be submitted on a department memo (optional). Note that the effective date of the reclassification is based on the date the requestor (employee or department) signs the position classification review form. The effective date cannot be dated in the future.
The following information is intended for convenient reference only for units wishing to review unoccupied Merit positions:
If the position to be reclassified is a vacant position, departments should attach the following forms to a Position Change Form (available in the HR Position Management System) to request a reclassification of a vacant Merit position:
- Essential and Marginal Job Function Analysis (contact Talent Acquisition for a copy)
- Unit organizational chart highlighting the location of position under review
A Merit reclassification request should be reviewed at three stages before advancing to Compensation and Classification:
- Employee/position's supervisor
- Departmental representative
- Employee's org/college
In the course of reviewing the reclassification request, Compensation and Classification may refer the information to a review committee or request additional information through a desk audit (personal interview of employee and/or supervisor).
The reclassification request then advances to the Board of Regents for final approval. Within 15 working days of receipt of the decision from the Board of Regents, an employee or supervisor may appeal the decision by addressing a letter to the Board of Regents Merit System Director. For further information, refer to the Merit Rules 3.127(8A) Appeals (page 19).
Salary adjustments upon reclassification are governed by the Merit Rules 3.39(3) Pay on Promotion.
Merit to Professional and Scientific Classification Review
The following information is intended for convenient reference only for individuals and departments wishing to review occupied Merit positions for a possible career shift into a P&S classification. The Merit to P&S classification review process is governed by the University of Iowa Policy Manual. There are multiple factors to consider when initiating this type of request including but not limited to: hours worked; salary; vacation accruals; and FLSA exemption status.
Merit to Professional and Scientific Classification Review
When the duties and responsibilities of a position substantially differ from those established in the Board of Regents general position description for the current classification, the position may be considered for a career shift to a P&S classification.
“Career shift” is the process initiated by a regular employee, supervisor or department representative requesting review of the classification of the employee's position.
“Classification appeal” is the act of contesting the classification or reclassification of a position as determined by the college/org. The decision made by University Human Resources is not subject to appeal.
A staff member, supervisor, or department/administrative unit initiates a Merit to P&S classification change request by preparing the required Career Development Form (docx). The form must specify:
- the employee’s name
- the employee’s current classification
- the appropriate target classification
- specific duties and responsibilities of the position
In addition, for a career shift request into job classifications for which the exempt status is determined by individual responsibilities, an FLSA Administrative Exemption Test - Vacant or Reclass Pending will need to be completed if the department would like to designate the position as exempt from FLSA.
Additional comments may be submitted on a department memo (optional). All documentation will be attached to a Change of Status – P&S Classification Change (Career Shift). The effective date of a Merit to P&S classification change shall be effective on the 1st day of the month following University Human Resources approval.
In order to help determine the proper classification, you may review the key areas of responsibility for each P&S classification.
A Merit to P&S classification change request should be reviewed at three stages before advancing to Compensation and Classification:
- The employee/position's supervisor
- The departmental representative
- The employee's org/college senior HR representative
In the course of reviewing the classification change reclassification request, Compensation and Classification may refer the information to a review committee or request additional information through a desk audit (personal interview of employee and/or supervisor).
The Merit to P&S classification change request then advances to the Board of Regents for final approval.
Salary adjustments upon reclassification are governed by the P&S Career Shift policies and procedures.
Pay plans for Merit and P&S can be viewed within the Pay Plans Directory.
The impact on an individual’s benefits is an important consideration when considering a move from Merit to P&S. Please note that each individual’s situation is different and you are encouraged to contact a Benefits Specialist for specific information. You are also encouraged to visit the Benefits website for more general information.
Specific benefits considerations include:
- Vacation accruals
- 16 hours per month (24 days per year) for a full-time P&S employee
- Merit accruals vary based on years of service
- Sick leave accruals
- 12 hours per month (18 days per year) for full-time Merit and P&S employees
- Accrued Comp Time
- When moving from a Merit position to a P&S exempt position, all unused Regular and Holiday comp time will be paid during the next Payroll cycle.
- When moving from a Merit position to an SEIU exempt/nonexempt position, all unused Regular and Holiday comp time will be paid during the next Payroll cycle.
- When moving from a Merit position to a Merit position in a different department, all unused Regular comp time will be paid during the next Payroll cycle.
- When moving from a Merit position to a P&S nonexempt position in a different department, all unused Regular comp time will be paid during the next Payroll cycle.
- When moving from a Merit position to a P&S nonexempt position within the same department, comp time will not be impacted.
- The maximum number of comp time hours accrued for Merit and P&S nonexempt employees is 160 hours. Any unused comp time is paid out following the end of the fiscal year.
- There is no maximum number of comp time hours accrued for SEIU staff. Compensatory time accrued but not used will be posted for payment four months after the month in which it was earned.
- Banked Time
- In the event the employee moves into a position with a maximum vacation accrual that is less than their current available vacation hours, the additional hours will be placed into a banked time account. These hours can only be used after the vacation balance is zero or they will be paid out if the employee leaves the University.
- Retirement benefits
- University Retirement Plan: cannot be changed once selected at time of hire
- Benefits when retiring as a Merit vs. P&S employee should be discussed with a Benefits Specialist
Hours Worked, FLSA Status and Position Expectations
An employee in a professional position is generally considered exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Professional staff will consistently exercise independent judgment, make decisions on matters of significance, operate independently and perform tasks above and beyond those described in Merit classifications.
The University of Iowa reviews classifications and individual positions in regards to FLSA status. Exempt positions are not eligible for overtime benefits and the number of hours worked in a week may fluctuate but this does not impact the employee’s pay. The University of Iowa Human Resource department reserves the right to conduct desk audits in order to remain compliant with FLSA designations. A position moving from Merit to P&S will usually be considered exempt from FLSA.
Probationary Period
If a merit employee with permanent status is moved to a P&S position that is eligible for career status, the employee will serve one year in probationary status before becoming eligible for career status, except as provided in III-3.1 d(1) in the Policy Manual.
Layoff Implications
In the event of a reduction in force, there are different rights and processes in Merit and P&S.
Appointing Hourly Merit Employees
Determining if a Merit Requisition Should be Posted
Positions With Work Lasting 4 Days or Longer (Consecutive or Non-Consecutive)
Does the department have someone in mind?
- Yes - If the candidate meets the *UI Community Member definition, then the department only needs to submit a merit appointment via workflow. If the candidate does not meet the UI Community Member definition, then the department will need to submit a merit requisition through workflow. Requisitions must be posted via regular workflow on the JOBS@UIOWA website for a minimum of 3 full calendar days.
- No - The department needs to submit a merit requisition through workflow. Requisitions must be posted via regular workflow on the JOBS@UIOWA website for a minimum of 3 full calendar days.
Positions With Work Lasting 3 Days or Less
Does the department have someone in mind?
- Yes - Submit a merit appointment via workflow.
- No - Submit a merit requisition through workflow.
Definition of *UI Community Member
For a candidate to meet this definition, the person must be a:
- Current UI employee
- Former UI employee who left in good standing within the prior 24 months
- UI student employee (this includes research and teaching assistants as well as work-study)
- UI retiree returning to the same department and/or in a similar role to that which they held within the prior 24 months
- UI employee/former employee participating in the UI's P&S Furlough Program
- UI employee/former employee eligible for recall/transfer/promotion as part of a collective bargaining agreement
Departments planning to advertise and hire a UI student should confer with Student Financial Aid. Departments planning to advertise and hire a non-UI student (high school or other college) may be able to advertise and appoint through Student Financial Aid or use the PZ07 code.
Classification and Salary
The department must choose a classification that exists in the merit system. The department must include a description of the duties on the appointment form if the position doesn’t advertise to help determine the classification and pay of the position.
The department must pay any hourly rate on the pay grade of that classification (Pay Plans Directory).
If the hourly wage is above minimum, add a justification in the "Remarks" section on the appointment form. Employees hired in classifications that have an approved advanced starting rate must be paid the advanced rate.
Minimum Qualifications and License/Certification
The individual does not have to meet the minimum eligibility requirements of the classification chosen for a temporary merit appointment.
Exception: If the merit classification requires a specific license/certification, the individual hired in that classification must have the current license/certification. This information must be documented on the merit appointment form.
Hours Restriction
Per the Merit Rules, Merit temporary appointments are limited to 780 hours per fiscal year.
Appointment Process
The employee must complete the electronic application whether or not they meet the *UI Community Member criteria. The electronic application is located at JOBS@UIOWA. Select the Merit tab to complete and submit the application to Employment Services.
A Regents Merit System Appointment Form is required. The form is found on Employee Self Service. You will first need to sign in using your Hawk ID and password. Select the Administration tab, then Systems, then HR Transaction System. Under Forms, select Appointment. Choose "Biweekly Non-Student Temporary."
JOBS@UIOWA Ad/Posting Information for Temporary Merit Positions
If the employee is filling a temporary merit position that was advertised on the merit job line, then the merit requisition number must be added to the Requisition Number field on the appointment form.
If the employee is filling a temporary merit position that did not advertise and that person is a *UI Community Member, then the department must choose either 3-Day Waiver or Internal Hire.
For more information on appointing merit hourly employees, please call 319-335-2658.
Lead Worker Status
Definition of Lead Worker
The Merit Rules/Personnel Administration state:
3.39(12) Pay for lead worker status. On request of an employing department and with approval of the resident director, an employee who is assigned and performs limited supervisory duties (such as distributing work assignments, maintaining a balanced workload within a group, and keeping attendance and work records) in addition to regular duties may be designated as lead worker in the classification assigned, and paid during the period of such designation the employee’s base salary plus, at the discretion of the institution, a percentage of the employee’s base pay no greater than 5 percent without the approval
of the merit system director.
Assignment or removal of lead worker responsibilities is done at the employer’s discretion. In order to obtain University HR approval for the assignment of lead status, the department will initiate a Change of Status – Merit/SEIU Job Reclassification. The rationale for requesting lead worker status can either be attached to the transaction or included in the Remarks section. The rationale should include a list or summary of the employees being functionally supervised. A Merit employee with lead status must supervise a minimum of three regular Merit employees. Any possible exceptions to this rule must be approved by Compensation and Classification.
If a lead worker position becomes vacant in the future, removal of Lead status will be processed using Position Management—Modify or Reactivate a Position.
Lead status employees receive an increase of 4.5% on their current matrix, up to the lead worker pay grade maximum. Refer to the Pay Plans Directory for pay ranges. Please note that lead worker status and pay is temporary and will be removed when the employee is no longer serving in that capacity. A transfer or reclassification salary will be calculated based on the regular rate of pay without the lead worker incentive.
Lead status requests are reviewed by Compensation and Classification. For questions, please contact Compensation and Classification at or (319) 335-5298.
Merit Staff Term Appointment, Extension and Transfer Guidelines
Definition of Merit Term Status
681—3.85(8A) Term appointment. When it is known that a particular job, project, grant or contract will require the services of an employee for a limited duration or where funding must be renewed periodically, a term appointment may be made. The initial appointment will not be made for more than one year.
Renewals beyond one year may be approved by the resident director on the basis of funding availability or institutional limits on term appointments.
Such appointments will not confer to the individual any right of position, transfer, demotion, promotion, or recall, but incumbents shall be eligible for vacation and sick leave, except that a term appointment made for less than 780 hours will be considered a temporary appointment under rule 681—3.82(8A) without conferring rights or eligibility for vacation or sick leave.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 8A.413(9).
Appointment of a Merit Term Employee
When a department determines the need for a Merit position that has a limited duration or is part of a grant funded project or contract, a Merit term appointment may be considered. The department must advertise the position as they would for any regular appointment.
Extension of a Merit Term Appointment
Merit term positions are limited to one year. If there is a need to extend the term position beyond one year, the department must submit a written request to Compensation and Classification, including the justification for the extension and the new end date of the term position. Merit term extensions may be approved in one-year increments in order to assess the ongoing need for the position.
Transfer of a Merit Term Appointment to a Regular Appointment
Merit term appointments do not confer the right of transfer, promotion, or demotion; therefore, a department transferring an existing term status Merit staff member to a new Merit regular appointment and position number must advertise the position. If the Merit term employee applies for and is hired into the regular Merit position, they will serve another 6-month probationary period.
Special Assignment
Definition of Merit Special Assignment
The Merit Rules/Personnel Administration state:
3.102(2) Special assignment. When the services of employees are temporarily needed in a position in the same or a different class within the institution other than the position to which the employees are assigned, they may be given special assignment, with the prior approval of the resident director and involved departments, to perform the duties of such position for a period not to exceed six months without change in title or status. In unusual circumstances, an extension of a special assignment for no more than one additional six-month period may be approved by the merit system director on written request from the resident director. Employees will be paid for special assignment in accordance with 3.39(6).
Assignment or removal of a Merit special assignment is done at the employer’s discretion. In order to obtain University HR approval for a special assignment, the department will initiate a Transfer – Special Assignment. The rationale for requesting a special assignment can either be attached to the transaction or included in the Remarks section. The rationale should include a general reason for the assignment and an expected duration. If necessary, Compensation and Classification will modify the position based on the effective dates of the Special Assignment.
Assignment should be to a classified position, vacated as a result of turnover or leave, with the assignment of duties to extend for three weeks or more. If there is not an open position available, please contact Compensation and Classification.
3.39(6) Pay for special assignment. Provided an employee is granted special assignment in accordance with 3.102(2) of these rules the employee will be paid for the duration of such assignment consistent with:
- 3.39(3) Pay on promotion if assigned to a class having a higher pay grade;
- 3.39(7) Pay on transfer if assigned to a class having the same pay grade;
- The present base pay if assigned to a class having a lower pay grade.
Merit staff assigned special assignment to a Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential position for more than a complete calendar month will be required to participate in a different benefits plan for the duration of special assignment. Staff should contact University Benefits with specific questions about changes in benefits for special assignment.
Special assignment requests are reviewed by Compensation and Classification. For questions, please contact Compensation and Classification at or (319) 335-5298.
Departmental Competitive Promotion Process
Supervisory exempt or “confidential” positions can be advertised using the Departmental Competitive Promotion process. The position must advertise in the department for 10 calendar days.
Note: If the position has to advertise through Talent Acquisition, all internal candidates must apply through the merit electronic application process during the 10-day posting period. This will not be a Departmental Competitive Promotion.
Departmental Competitive Promotion Process
Employee Eligibility
Current departmental merit staff members who have permanent status are eligible to be considered for a departmental competitive promotion. This includes employees in the department who are eligible for the classification as a lateral or voluntary demotion. Any employee that wishes to be considered must be eligible for the classification and meet all approved special qualifications for the position in order to be able to apply.
Internal Advertisement Process
The department must create and process a merit requisition through workflow. Use the Requisition Initiator Training Manual found on Self Service for assistance when filling out the merit requisition. You will first need to sign in using your Hawk ID and password. Select the Administration tab, Systems, JOBS@UIOWA, and then Merit Requisition Initiator Training Manual.
The following must be approved by Employment Services before the position can be advertised internally:
- the merit requisition
- any special qualifications
The merit requisition is found on Self Service. You will first need to sign in using your Hawk ID and password. Select the Administration tab, Systems, JOBS@UIOWA, and then Create a Requisition - Merit link.
Choose the Regular Department Competitive Promotion merit requisition in the Form Type field.
The Ad Start Date must be a current date or one in the future. The dates that the position advertised in the department will be adjusted by Employment Services once the merit requisition is completed through Workflow.
Each employee must complete an electronic application and submit it to Employment Services. The electronic application is located at JOBS@UIOWA. Select the Merit Options Tab to complete and submit the application to Employment Services. The employee must be eligible for the classification and meet all the approved special qualifications.
If the employee is a veteran and hasn't been set up for veteran's preference, they should follow the instructions for veteran's preference on the electronic application.
Employees interested in applying for the position should call Talent Acquisition (335-2658) and request their name be added to the position before the end advertising date.
Search Committee Instructions
Employment Services will release the candidates for the Search Committee Admins after the end advertising date. The department will now have access to the candidate’s electronic application.
Pathway: Sign on to Self Service, select the Administration tab, JOBS@UIOWA, and then Search Committee Options. Select the requisition. On the Current Requisition Menu, select Manage Applicant Pool to view the electronic applications.
If the list includes a veteran, the department must follow the pre-approval procedures for the interview selection and job offer.
Processing the Department Competitive Promotion form
The Search Committee Admin must complete the following steps on the Current Requisition Menu:
- Select the Rate Applicants link. Rate all applicants on list.
- Select the Final Applicant Summary link. Create and submit.
- Select the Departmental Competitive Promotion Recommendation form, create and submit. This must be done in order to appoint the chosen candidate.
- Prepare text beforehand, copy and paste onto the Departmental Competitive Promotion form.
- Have Date in Classification and Date in Department ready.
- The department may have to set a Workflow electronic signature pathway.
- Employment Services will receive the form after the orgs have approved the form. Employment Services must review and approve the Departmental Competitive Promotion form before the selected candidate for hire has been offered the position.
- After Employment Services approves the form, the department will then create and submit the HR Transaction Transfer form. Sign on to Self Service and select Administration tab, Systems, and then HR Transaction System.
- Reference the Departmental Competitive Promotion Recommendation transaction number in the Remarks section.
Merit School Term Guidelines
Vacancies will be advertised as School Term positions with percent of time reflecting the actual number of hours worked during the school term. These positions are usually for 9, 10 or 11 months. Instructions for advertising Merit School Term positions can be found in the HR Merit Requisition Training Manual. Log on to Self Service and go to Workflow Training Manuals link.
Appointing Information
Use either the Appointment or Transfer Workflow form. The appointment type will either be Merit School Term Bargaining (if the position is covered by the AFSCME contract) or Merit School Term Exempt (if the position is supervisory exempt).
The Appointment form or Transfer form has an end date field. Use this field to indicate the last day worked before the leave begins.
Salaries are calculated to reflect the percentage of time actually worked.
Leave of Absence
The department will submit a leave of absence form to reflect the time of the leave. The form will use the reason code, School Term Appointment.
Probation Date
If the leave of absence occurs during the time of the probation period, the period of time served on the leave may extend the probation period.
Appointing during Leave
Should the department elect to continue the individual on an irregular basis during the time the employee is out of pay status, they would be required to appoint the individual on a Merit Temporary Appointment. They should not indicate this time by adjusting the dates on the Leave of Absence.
Vacation and Sick Leave
Merit staff on School Term appointments will only accrue vacation and sick leave during the months in pay status. Accrual rates will be based on percentage of appointment during the months in pay status as well as length of service in the case of vacation. Vacation and sick leave will only be used during the months in pay status.
Payment for University holidays will be in accordance with current policy, i.e., the staff member must be in pay status the last workday prior to and the first workday after a holiday in order to receive holiday pay.
The employer contribution to all insurance plans will continue during the months the employee is out of pay status. These contributions are made with the understanding that the staff member returns to work on the date specified in the School Term appointment. The employee's share of the benefit costs during the inactive period will be assessed as follows:
Two premiums will be charged against both the last check of the appointment and against the first check of the appointment.
Example: A school term appointment active from August-May will have 2 premiums charged June 1 and 2 premiums charged September 1.
The staff member may choose to discontinue optional benefits, such as supplemental life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, wraparound long-term disability, and dependent care spending account. In order to prevent the double deductions for these optional benefits from occurring, the University Benefits Office must be notified 15 days prior to the last paycheck. Otherwise, the double deductions will occur for all benefits in effect.
In the event the staff member does not return to work at the beginning of the academic term, they will be considered to have resigned in good standing as of the last day in the prior academic term and all benefits adjusted to reflect a termination on that date.
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Guide to Pay Plans
Pay plans for Merit, P&S, and SEIU can be found on our Guide to Pay Plans website