P&S Staff Specified Term Extension and Transfer Guidelines

Managing Specified Term Appointments

The probationary period for specified term is 12 months.  In rare cases, UHR may authorize a decrease in the probationary period.

When first entering a specified term status on appointment or transfer forms, select "Specified Term in Probation":

  • Start Date: The start date should be the appointment start date.
  • End Date: The end date should align with the one specified in the offer letter.
  • If the specified term is shorter than 12 months, a formal search process is not required. However, if the appointment is extended beyond 12 months, the staff member must complete the initial 12-month probationary period as "Specified Term in Probation." If an extension is processed (Change In Status > P&S status change), the department must ensure that a proper search process is conducted. This can be done through recruitment, a search waiver, or any other applicable processes.
  • If the specified term is longer than 12 months, the first 12 months will be considered as the “Specified Term in Probation”, unless a reduction in the probationary period has been authorized. Once the 12-month period ends, the system will automatically update the employee's status to “Specified Term.” The new status will take effect the day after the 12-month period ends, while the end date of the specified term will remain unchanged.

Extension of a P&S Specified Term Appointment

A department extending the term appointment of an existing Specified Term Status P&S staff member in the same Department or Org, should use the Specified Term Extension Letter (doc) template.

A department may extend the term appointment while the staff member is still in the “Specified Term in Probation” status. The automated process of transitioning from “Specified Term in Probation” to “Specified Term” will incorporate the new term end date.

To extend the Term appointment and end date, the department will need to:

Step 1: Go to the Employee Self Service/Administration tab/Systems/HR Transaction System/Change In Status.

Step 2: Process the Change of Status form by completing fields. In the Reason for Change field, select P&S Status Change from the drop-down list. Select the Submit button.  The Change In Status form’s effective date should be 1st day after the current status ends.

Step 3: Complete the New P&S Status Info fields in the “New Information side of the form:

  • Select Spec. Term from the drop-down menu.
  • If the current status is Spec. Term, copy the P&S Status Info effective date from “Current Information” side of the form into the effective date field of the “New Information” side of the form.
  • If the current status in Spec. Term in Probation,      the effective date field of  “New Information”  side of the form should be 1st day after the Spec. Term in Probation ends. 
  • Enter a new term end date.

Step 4: Remarks section: Enter any pertinent information.

Step 5: Select the “Finalize this form…” button and select the Continue button.

Step 6: Choose your workflow group routing and select the Continue button.

Step 7: Attach a copy of the term extension letter using the Attach Documents tool.

Step 8: Choose the next approval level workflow path and select the Continue button.

Step 9: Select the Continue button to confirm workflow routing. The form will now proceed through workflow.

Step 10: Provide a hard-copy of the Term extension letter to the staff member outlining the terms of the extension.

Transfer of a Specified Term Appointment

A department transferring an existing Specified Term Status P&S staff member to a new P&S Specified Term appointment and position number should use the Specified Term Offer Letter (doc) template.  In appropriate circumstances, staff members in term status may be transferred to probationary status. With the concurrence of those administrative offices who recommend the appointment (DEO, dean, or vice president or provost), units may request the Vice President for Human Resources to count a period of service in term status as probationary service. A minimum of 1 year of probationary service will be required before career status can be earned, except as provided in paragraph b(3) of the Policy Manual, Section 3.1.

To transfer to the new position the department will need to:

Step 1: Go to the Employee Self Service/Administration tab/Systems/HR Transaction System.

Step 2: Select the Transfer form.

Step 3: Complete the Search fields.

Step 4: Turn on the button next to the name of the person to be transferred, and select the Continue button.

Step 5: Select the appropriate Reason for Transfer from the list of options, and select the Continue button.

Step 6: Select appropriate Appointment Type, Appointment Sub Type, Appointment Term, and select the Continue button.

Step 7: Use Existing is the default.

Step 8: Enter the Position Number, OR the Org-Dept#, Sub-department#, and University Classification (Job Code), and select the Search button.

Step 9: Select the button next to the desired position number and select the Continue button.

Step 10: Complete all the form’s required fields.

Step 11: Complete the New P&S Status Info fields on the “New Information” side of the form:

  • Select Spec. Term from the drop-down menu
  • Copy the P&S Status Info effective date from “Current Information side of the form into the effective date field of the “New Information” side of the form.
  • Enter a new end date

Step 12: Remarks section: Enter any pertinent information.

Step 13: Select the “Finalize this form…” button and select the Continue button.

Step 14: Choose your workflow group routing and select the Continue button.

Step 15: Attach a copy of offer letter using the Attach Documents tool.

Step 16: Choose the next approval level workflow path and select the Continue button.

Step 17: Select the Continue button again to confirm workflow routing. The form will now proceed through workflow.

Step 18: Provide a hard-copy of the offer letter to the staff member outlining the terms of the appointment.