
University Workforce Operations

Campus Address
120 USB
Mailing Address

120 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Whether you are a supervisor or an employee, it's critical to submit timely and accurate time records to help ensure you and your staff are paid on time and in the correct amount.

This page provides information about payroll calendars, various appointment types and employees, and how to correct monthly time records.

Payroll Calendars: Biweekly, monthly, academic year, and fiscal year appointment calendars are maintained by Payroll Services. 

Academic Year Faculty: Faculty on academic-year appointments report sick leave online monthly.

Fiscal faculty, Professional and Scientific staff, and SEIU staff: Faculty on fiscal-year appointments, Professional and Scientific staff, and SEIU staff members report paid sick and vacation leave usage after the close of each month (including months when they've used no leave).

Merit, Merit exempt, and non-exempt Professional and Scientific staff: Merit, Merit-exempt, and non-exempt Professional and Scientific staff members report extra hours worked, regular hours not worked, holiday pay, other adjustments to pay, and excused absences with pay after the close of every biweekly pay period.

Biweekly Hourly employeesBiweekly hourly employees report the hours they've worked online and submit their record for review and processing at the end of every two-week pay period.

Corrected Monthly Leave RecordsLearn how to correct a time record you've already submitted.

Vacation/Sick Transfer (Benefits): Get basic information on vacation and sick leave, including how to transfer sick leave to vacation leave.

Leave Code Descriptions (pdf): View a breakdown of leave and pay adjustments codes.