
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Taking the time to celebrate with your team can have a significant positive impact on team culture and retention. In addition to participating in celebrations on campus, engaging in campus wide events with your teams and individual colleagues can create a greater connection to your unit and the larger UI mission and operations. 

Campus Wide Celebrations

handshake in shape of a heart

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration of Human Rights Week

When: January

An official university holiday was designated in 1995, these initial events have grown into a campus and community celebration that includes lectures, discussions, and cultural arts presentations.

wreath of laurel icon

Celebration of Excellence and Achievement Among Women

When: April

The CEAAW committee is a cross-campus team that celebrates and supports exceptional female leaders at Iowa. This annual event spotlights female student scholarship winners as well as female faculty and staff doing inspirational work.

Ribbon award icon

University of Iowa Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony

When: May

Many campus groups come together to celebrate the fantastic work University of Iowa faculty and staff have accomplished throughout the year at this campus wide award ceremony planned and sponsored by the President's Office.

Please note: In addition to these campus wide celebrations, there may be more local opportunities available to celebrate with your team. Ask your local HR and Leadership teams for more information regarding area specific celebrations.

Campus Wide Events

Discover Your University

kinnick stadium icon

When: Spring, Summer, and Fall 

The Discovery Your University program offers sponsored visits to various campus sites.

Health and Well-Being Fair

heart in head icon for well-being

When: Fall

Create meaningful connections and boost your well-being at the UI Health and Well-Being Fair.

Homecoming at Iowa

party icon

When: Fall

Homecoming week brings together students, faculty, staff, future Hawkeyes, and alumni.

On Iowa!

backpack icon

When: Late Summer

Volunteer to welcome new first-year and transfer students to campus through On Iowa!  

Iowa brand Icon pattern background pattern

Staff Appreciation Weeks

There are many unique classifications and employee populations on campus. Consider celebrating these employee groups during "Appreciation Weeks/Days." Some units celebrate by creating unique Zoom backgrounds, posting appreciation posters, signing cards, and celebrating through a potluck or other food related gathering. 

Appreciation Weeks- By Month

January | February | March

January 11, 2024: International Thank You Day

January 12, 2024: National Pharmacist Day

February 3, 2024: Women Physicians Day

February 17, 2024: National Random Acts of Kindness Day

1st Week in February: Pride in Foodservice Week

March: National Social Work Month

March 1, 2024: Employee Appreciation Day

March 3-9, 2024: Dental Assistants Recognition Week

March 6, 2024: Dentist Day

March 8, 2024: International Women's Day

April | May | June

1st Week in April: Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week

April 8-12, 2024: Student Employee Appreciation Week

2nd Week in April: National Library Week

April 14-20, 2024: Public Safety Telecommunications Week

April 24, 2024: Administrative Professionals Day

May 6-12, 2024: Nurses Week

June 6, 2024: National Higher Education Day

July | August | September

July 25, 2024: Intern Day

1st Wednesday in September: Global Talent Acquisition Day

3rd Friday in September: National Tradesmen Day

256th Day of the Year (Around 9/13): Day of the Programmer 

September 17, 2024: IT Professionals Day

September 25, 2024: National Food Service Employees Day

September 25, 2024: National Research Administrator Day

September 26, 2024: HR Professional Appreciation Day 

September 26, 2024: National Compliance Officer Day

October | November | December

October 2, 2024: National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day

October 16, 2024: National Boss' Day

October 28, 2024: National First Responders Day

November 10, 2024: Accounting Day

Please Note: This list is not exhaustive. Please contact if you have appreciation days or weeks that can be added to this list to represent additional employee populations. As you are planning celebrations, consider worldwide Holy Days by going to the BMindful website and adding them to your calendar.