
Workers' Compensation

Campus Address
120 USB
Mailing Address

120 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Workers’ compensation is unfamiliar territory for many people. The following is a list of terms and their definitions that may be helpful.

Accommodation: An accommodation is any modification or adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions.

ADAAA: The Americans with Disabilities Act is legislation that was passed in 1993 and amended in 2008. The University of Iowa supports the 2008 amendments and will attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities when the condition significantly affects the job.

Authorized Medical Care: Care received at UI Occupational Health, or other provider as directed by Sedgwick CMS.

Authorized Medical Provider:UI Occupational Health at the North Liberty Clinic, the UI Health Care Emergency room, or any other provider as directed by Sedgwick CMS.

Explanation Of Benefits (EOB): A statement from a health insurance company explaining the status of your claim.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave: Leave taken under the FMLA – time away from work that is protected for up to twelve weeks per calendar year for eligible employees. Eligible employees missing time from work due to work injuries utilize FMLA leave for related absences.

First Report of Injury Form: Used to report a work-related injury. This form is available through Employee Self Service under General Systems & Tools.

Healing Period: The length of time your body is recovering or ‘healing’ related to a workers’ compensation injury as determined by authorized medical providers.

IAOSH: Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Department - This is the State of Iowa counterpart to the federal organization OSHA.

Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS): The Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) was created on July 1, 2003, as a way to manage and coordinate the major resources of state government.

Maximum Medical Improvement Status (MMI): A term used by medical providers to indicate when a patient has attained a ‘recovery plateau’; that is, the patient is not expected to improve significantly beyond the indicated date.

Missed Time Weekly Report: A University of Iowa form that is completed by designated departmental staff reporting hours of work, and restricted work assignments/hours etc. for employees receiving benefits related to their approved workers’ compensation claim.  This form is available through Employee Self Service under General Systems & Tools.

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration - A federal agency designed to monitor the work environment and promote worker safety.

Patient Status Report (PSR): A specific document completed by the authorized medical provider that indicates medical diagnosis, treatment plan, physical restrictions/capabilities, and recheck date, if any.

Permanent Impairment: A determination made by a physician indicating the percentage of permanent deficit/loss directly related to a specific injury or incident.

Permanent Partial Disability: A determination made by physician when the healing period has ended (MMI) indicating a permanent health status/condition exists for which permanent restrictions may be assigned.

Restricted Duty (or Work): A term describing work that is within identified medical restrictions, prior to MMI Status.

Restrictions: These medical limitations prescribed by the treating physician limit physical activities and daily life functions.

Sedgwick CMS: The third party administrator for all State of Iowa workers’ compensation claims.

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD): Missed time benefits payable if the employee returns to part-time work during the healing period. The 3-day waiting period also applies to TPD. 

Temporary Total Disability (TTD): Missed time benefits payable to the employee after a waiting period of 3 calendar days of absence. The 3-day waiting period becomes payable if the absence exceeds 14 calendar days.

UI Occupational Health: A specialty clinic that directs the care of employees injured on the job.