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Continuing to learn and grow in the workplace helps employees stay current in their skills and learn about how to engage in supportive and meaningful relationships with co-workers and colleagues. My Training connects employees to development and compliance opportunities to support them in their career at the University of Iowa.
My Training Opportunities
Organizational Effectiveness, along with other groups across campus, provide in-person or online instructor-led and/or ICON on-demand workshops and series. Currently offered sessions and workshops, including a link to the descriptions, are listed in Employee Self Service | My Career | Learning & Development | My Training | Enroll in Courses.
Training Series
Training series are designed to give University of Iowa employees multiple learning opportunities to gain strategic knowledge and skills. Each series centers around shared learning objectives, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
For Fee Workshops
Fee-based workshops are offered in the spring and fall and focus on topics including leadership, productivity, communication, relationship building, and developing effective habits.
My Training FAQs
What is the difference between the Compliance & Qualifications and My Training systems?
The Compliance & Qualifications and My Training systems are an integrated, UI developed, Learning Management System that tracks completed compliances and trainings.
The Compliance & Qualifications system allows departments and supervisors to assign and track job related, required compliances to individual employees. The CQ system will continue to track and re-assign compliances based on the required frequency of a particular compliance. (i.e., quarterly, annually, bi-annually, etc.).
The My Training system may be used to sign up for job-related compliances but is primarily used for elective training opportunities offered locally or campus wide.
How much do My Training courses and series typically cost to attend?
Most workshops are free of charge. When a registration fee is required, the monies are used to purchase materials used in the courses and self-registration is typically not be allowed. Interested participants will pay the listed workshop fee before being enrolled by a Training Administrator.
How do I register for a course through My Training?
Currently offered series and workshops, including a link to the descriptions, are listed in Employee Self Service | My Career | Learning & Development | My Training | Enroll in Courses.
Using the Find a Course feature, you can search for courses based on a known Course Number or Course Title, meeting timeframe (Meets Between), or individual Instructor in the associated fields. Click Search Courses to view current offerings.
- You can also type in a topic to the Course Title field in Find a Course (i.e., Teams, AI, Wellness, etc.). Click Search Courses to view current offerings.
- Once you identify a desired course, click Enroll in Session to register.
Once you are enrolled you may view the session in your My Courses | Currently Enrolled Courses section. Sessions are automatically confirmed by email at the time of enrollment, and an additional email confirmation is also sent six days prior to the session. The final confirmation may include more detailed information about the session, including location, Zoom or Teams links, and materials needed, if any.
I signed up for a course but it says I am "waitlisted." What does that mean?
A status of "waitlisted" in My Training means that registration is currently full for the course you are interested in. A "waitlisted" status indicates that you are in the queue for the course and could be changed to an "enrolled" status pending any cancellations or increased capacity for the course session. You will receive a system-generated email indicating this change.
How can I be released from work to attend a workshop or series?
Departments are encouraged to provide release time to employees to attend training programs (with the approval of immediate supervisor as appropriate).
We suggest that you discuss the session(s) you are interested in with your supervisor. Your supervisor may grant you release time to attend in regular pay status to support your professional development and your work in your department. If the supervisor is unable or unwilling to approve release time, you may request to use vacation for the time missed, again, subject to the scheduling approval of your department.
Visit the UI Policy Manual, Section 26.2 and 26.3 for more information.
I can no longer attend a series or workshop that I registered for. How do I cancel my registration?
If you are registered for a series or workshop, and cannot attend, please follow the appropriate procedures listed below.
- Log into Employee Self Service using your HawkId and password.
- Click on My Career.
- Locate the Learning & Development section, and click on My Training.
- Locate your class listed under My Courses | Currently Enrolled Courses.
- Click the Cancel Enrollment button, this action will prompt a separate screen asking you to confirm your cancelation. Click Confirm.
- Once you confirm your cancellation, it will be removed from your Currently Enrolled Courses.
- An email confirmation will be sent to you indicating you have canceled your registration.
Materials are prepared/ordered for many of our workshops, so it is important to know attendance in advance. Your early cancelation will allow us to notify anyone on the waitlist of an opening. For questions or additional assistance, you may also call or email UI Learning & Development at 319-335-2687 to cancel.
I need to cancel the registration for a course for which I already paid. What are my options?
To cancel the registration for sessions BEFORE the registration deadline: Full refunds will be given for cancellations received by the registration deadline (seven days prior to the session date). Please call UI Learning & Development at 319-335-2687 as soon as possible if you cannot attend.
To cancel the registration for sessions AFTER the registration deadline: Please call UI Learning & Development at 319-335-2687 as soon as possible if you cannot attend a session for which your registration has been confirmed. Confirmations are sent approximately six days prior to the session. No refunds will be given after the registration deadline. (Registration deadline is seven days prior to the date of the session).
I recently completed a training. How do I view a record of my completion?
- For synchronous in-person or Zoom/Teams trainings, attendance is completed by your instructor and after the course is closed by the system administrator. The completion will post overnight for your workshop. Attendance updates by instructors sometimes take up to 30 business days. We do remind instructors to update attendance if necessary two weeks after the class meets.
- For asynchronous on-demand courses, after completing all assigned modules and quizzes, the system will post the completion within 24-48 hours.
Your completed training history is listed and can be found in:
Employee Self Service | My Career | Learning & Development | My Training | My Courses | Past Courses
Your completed training and compliance history can also be found in your ePersonnel File in:
Employee Self Service | My Career | Career & Performance | My ePersonnel File | Education/Training | Completed Training at The University of Iowa
How do I sign-up to receive the campus wide Learning & Development Listserv email?
Listserv lets you be the first to hear about upcoming learning development events, and resources. Listserv functions as an electronic bulletin board for campus wide opportunities.
Subscribe by emailing:
- In the body of the message, indicate your interest in joining the listserv email and our team will get you signed up.