
Employee and Labor Relations

Campus Address
121-20 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 20
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Work rules are defined as and limited to rules which regulate the personal conduct of employees and are promulgated by the University of Iowa within its discretion. Generally work rules apply to matters arising from employment with the department or which have bearing on an employee's ability to be effective in his or her job. Work rules are not intended to limit the rights of employees but rather to define those rights so the department can attain its objectives in an orderly manner.

Good personnel practice and the negotiated labor agreements require that the work rules of the department be reduced to writing. The rules are listed below. Committing any of the acts on the list will be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to immediate discharge, depending upon the seriousness of the offense and/or the number of infractions.

These work rules constitute the general rules applicable to employees of the University of Iowa. Additional work rules may be put in place by work unit leadership, and may concern only individual positions, classifications and/or work units when such rules are required by the nature of the work performed. Likewise, the work rules do not constitute the entire list of violations for which employees may be disciplined. Other rules are provided by statute, by Iowa Code, and by administrative procedures established by management to meet specific conditions. Violations of these rules will also result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Work Performance

  1. Insubordination, disobedience, failure or refusal to follow the written or oral instructions of supervisory authority, or to carry out work assignments.
  2. Neglecting job duties and responsibilities.
  3. Loafing, loitering, sleeping, or engaging in unauthorized personal business or visiting.
  4. Disclosure of confidential information and records to unauthorized personnel.
  5. Intentionally falsifying records or giving false information to other government agencies or private organizations or to employees responsible for record keeping.
  6. Failure to observe all safety rules and practices, including the use of protective equipment and clothing or in the operation of vehicles and equipment.
  7. Failure to report as soon as possible, but no more than 24 hours, all accidents or injuries which occur during working hours or while in the performance of state business, including traffic accidents, regardless of ownership of vehicles involved.
  8. Attempting to keep secret or unavailable information or records which are public or which rightfully should be furnished to government employees and the public.

Attendance and Punctuality

  1. Failure to report promptly at the starting time of a shift; leaving before the scheduled quitting of a shift; or failure to timely notify the proper authority of impending absence or tardiness, prior to designated starting time.
  2. Unexcused or excessive absenteeism.
  3. Abuse of sick leave privileges.
  4. Leaving the place of duty during a work shift without permission.
  5. Failure to observe the time limits of lunch, rest, or wash-up periods.

Use of Property

  1. Abuse or misuse of government or private property, materials or equipment.
  2. Stealing or unauthorized possession or use of government or private property, equipment, or materials.
  3. Unauthorized posting or removing of notices, signs, posters, or similar materials.
  4. Unauthorized use of state property or equipment such as 2-way radio.
  5. Unauthorized entry to state property or leased sites.

Personal Actions and Appearances

  1. Threatening, attempting or inflicting bodily harm to fellow employees, representatives of other agencies, or the general public.
  2. Threatening, intimidating, interfering with, or using abusive or profane language toward others, including ethnic slurs.
  3. Horseplay, including but not limited to practical jokes, pushing, running, or throwing objects.
  4. Failure to observe smoking regulations.
  5. Unauthorized possession of weapons.
  6. Making false or malicious statements concerning other employees, supervisory, or the department.
  7. Unauthorized possession or use of alcoholic beverages or narcotics, during work hours, while on state time or property, or while engaging in state business.
  8. Reporting to work in a condition to be unsafe to the employee, others, or physical property; or to be unable to perform job responsibilities due to the influence of alcohol and/or narcotics when such evidence affects the performance of job functions.
  9. Immoral conduct or indecency.
  10. Eating and drinking in unauthorized areas.
  11. Violation of health and sanitation procedures, directions and requirements including littering or creating unsanitary conditions.
  12. Selling commercial or private products or services on state time or premises.
  13. Unauthorized solicitation of funds or donations for any purpose on state time.
  14. Unauthorized distribution of printed matter on state premises.
  15. Unauthorized possession, lending, borrowing, or duplication of keys or government credit cards, or failure to report promptly the loss of keys or credit cards.
  16. Dress or grooming which is inappropriate or unsanitary for the employee's specific assignment.
  17. Unauthorized or improper use of a uniform; failure to wear uniform properly.
  18. Failure to submit to inspection any personal packages taken from the employee's work area upon the request of a supervisor or security officer.
  19. Gambling in any form while on state premises or state time including but not limited to: sport pools, card games, check pools, bets, dice, raffles, etc.
  20. Soliciting or accepting unauthorized compensation, reward, gratuity or gift of any kind of value for any matter related to the employee's job as an employee of the state.
  21. Engaging in unauthorized political or union activities.

Outside Actions and Appearances

  1. Transacting business as an employee of the state with any business entity in which the employee has an interest except as authorized by law.
  2. Engaging in any outside activities or employment which may impair the employee's independence of judgment or his ability to perform his duties as an employee of the state.