
Dual Career Services

Campus Address
221 USB
Mailing Address

1 West Prentiss Street
221 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Dual Career Services are designed to provide assistance for partners/spouses of recently hired UI faculty and staff. We help spouses/partners with their job search needs and will assist with updating resume/curriculum vitae, job search techniques, and provide information on ways to connect in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor.

How the Program Works

  • A DCS staff member will conduct an initial consultation with you to determine employment needs.
  • You will be provided with a resume/curriculum vitae review based on local market preferences.
  • When revisions are completed, DCS staff will assist you in connecting to local contacts and possibly open positions. DCS has access to job listings with area employers and within UI.
  • DCS has extensive experience in all areas of the job search process and can provide a full range of services tailored to your needs.
  • DCS will work with you until you are employed or for up to one year.


  • Career coaching by experienced career consultants
  • Resume/curriculum vitae review and rewrite expertise
  • Assistance with interviewing techniques, including the opportunity for a mock interview
  • Assistance with cover letter writing
  • Advice on negotiating salary and benefits
  • Access to job openings at the University of Iowa and in companies within the Corridor area
  • Information about local companies, including websites and other resources

Please note: The program is a resource provided to you and is not intended to take the place of your own job search efforts.

Who Qualifies for Services     

  • Spouses/partners of a newly hired permanent faculty or staff members who've lived in the area for less than two years

Those not eligible may request a general consultation with a Talent Acquisition staff member. You will receive a resume review and be given job leads, local community contacts and other valuable information to assist you in your job search.

To get started, contact Dual Career Services to schedule an appointment.

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

The University of Iowa is committed to assisting dual career couples as evidenced by the existence of this program. However, the fact that you are the spouse/partner of a faculty or staff person does not guarantee you a position at the University.  Departments across campus seek to hire the best, most qualified candidate for their open position, which may or may not be you. 

There is no definitive answer to this question due to individual variables such as level of motivation, workforce changes, economic vitality and the demand for your particular occupation. The DCS program statistics, however, indicate that those who work closely with their DCS coach are the ones who obtain employment sooner.  

The DCS maintains an extensive network of approximately 500+ business contacts throughout the Corridor area. You will be strongly encouraged to explore employment possibilities throughout the Corridor. If you are not willing to commute, your opportunities will be limited.

It would be hard to imagine a career we haven’t dealt with! However, it is your responsibility to educate your DCS coach as to the intricacies of your past experience and skills. 

It is conceivable that you will not be able to find your “dream” job in this market. This requires you to be flexible and open to other possibilities. The DCS strongly recommends that you have a “Plan B” and possibly a “Plan C” in mind. The DCS coaches are trained as career coaches and are prepared to help you explore other alternatives, should you choose to do so.

The DCS will not be able to assist you more than once. Once you are employed, you will gain valuable networking contacts in your career area and this should help you find future job leads.

All UI positions have a search committee, which selects a limited number of applicants to interview. If you are one of the candidates meeting the position criteria, someone will call you. The department will most likely do a phone screen first before setting up a time to meet for an on-site interview. There may be call-backs for a second interview. For faculty candidates, there may be requests for talks or presentations. After all candidates are interviewed, the search committee selects their preferred candidate and sends their recommended candidate to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC). OCRC looks over the pool of candidates and responds to the department. A job offer is then extended to the candidate most appropriate for the job.

There are Faculty, Professional and Scientific (P&S) and Merit positions. Merit positions are part of the collective bargaining unit. To apply for a merit position, go to and you will find the simple application procedure. If you are interested in a P&S position, you must apply on-line for each job separately. For faculty positions, you will need to send your materials to the person listed as the contact. For all University of Iowa positions, you will need to send in your own materials; the DCS cannot do that for you.

The DCS does not provide references for clients. However, if you apply for a University of Iowa P&S or faculty position, you may request that your DCS coach write a letter of support for your candidacy.

The area between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids is commonly referred to as the “Corridor” and this area continues to grow and expand. There are diverse industries in the Corridor from telecommunications and heavy manufacturing to insurance and finance organizations.  In addition to the University of Iowa, there are five colleges within reasonable driving distance from Iowa City for those looking for academic positions. Keep in mind that this is not a major metropolitan area and searching for employment may require patience and persistence. 

If you are the spouse/partner of a faculty member, s/he is encouraged to inform the department chair of the hiring department of her/his interest in exploring dual career options. There may be different approaches depending on the type of position you are seeking. If you are interested in an academic position at the University, you may be asked to provide a copy of your CV to the hiring department for review and advocacy should your spouse/partner be a finalist. If you are also interested in UI staff positions or opportunities in the Iowa City area outside of academia, DCS can be a valuable partner in your efforts.

The DCS cannot guarantee you employment because the DCS does not create job openings. Whether or not you are able to secure employment will depend entirely on how much time, effort and communication you are willing to put into your search. The DCS is one resource you may use. Those DCS clients who are most successful are those who maintain frequent communication with their DCS coach.

Periodically the DCS hosts a social for all clients and their spouse or partner. You will receive an invitation by email about the dates and times. DCS staff also belong to several professional organizations which often have social events. If interested, ask your DCS coach for more information.