
Compensation and Classification

Campus Address
121-11 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 11
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

The three-step review process is a sequence of steps that will build your understanding of your individual job classification assignment.

At the end of the three step review of your job classification, you should feel that the University job classification is a “best fit” for the work you do among the classification choices.

The match will not be exact; it is expected that some individual responsibilities may be better described in higher or lower classifications, but most should line up for the classification assignment to be a best fit overall.

1. Read the job function purpose statement for the function assigned to you.

  • A website will display the full index of functions, families and job classifications: University Job Classifications
  • A link will be provided from “My Classification” on the Employee Self Service site to the website display of your job classification, which includes the job function purpose statement.
  • “Index” will take you to a listing of all the job functions.

2. Read the job family purpose statement for the family assigned to you.

  • A link will be provided from “My Classification” on your Employee Self Service site to the website display of your job classification, which includes the job family purpose statement.
  • “Previous” and “Next” buttons will take you to other job families and their classifications within the same function. The jobs within each family will be listed as a series.
  • Unique classifications will be shown as a job family consisting of single classifications in the function.

3. Study the job classification as defined by its key areas of responsibility.

  • A link will be provided from “My Classification” on your Employee Self Service site to the website display of your job classification, which includes the key areas of responsibility as they are defined for your classification.
  • The other job classifications in your job family will be listed on the job webpage as a series. Clicking on the “plus sign” beside each job classification name will expand to show the key areas of responsibility, so as to see how jobs are distinguished within a family.
  • Responsibilities within a job family are cumulative, meaning that they build upon the responsibilities of the first a series of jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions

I continue to think my job is not assigned to the correct classification. What can I do?

If you can document changes in your job and your supervisor agrees, you can be considered for either a promotion or a career shift to another classification. This does not guarantee a change in classification, but it would be the way to receive consideration for your request. The documents and instructions are located on the Career Development Planning website created by Compensation and Classification.

Where can I find classification information?

Classification descriptions and pay plans can be found on the Careers website for both Merit and Professional and Scientific (P&S) classifications.

My salary appears high in the market range for my job classification. This seems consistent with my belief that I am in the wrong job classification.

Your salary and its relationship to the market range are not considerations in determining your University job classification. Job classification assignments are based upon the key areas of responsibility describing what you do in your job. When the new compensation plan is implemented in late October, there will be a new tool to document changes in your job responsibilities that may justify a change in job classification.

Your salary rate and its relationship to the market range and median zone may reflect your past job performance and/or the perceived level of competition for your skills. The new structure based upon market comparison will provide a better comparison to the market for most jobs, but your department will know best what they need to pay to recruit and retain any special skills you may bring to your job.

How can I use the new classifications to think about career advancement?

Human Resources developed a tool for staff members and supervisors to use in career development planning. The benefit of the new classification structure is that you will see the key areas of responsibility for jobs in your job family, as well as in any other family that you might aspire to. Through the use of the planning tool, you and your supervisor can develop strategies to build up the skills needed to assume other responsibilities, either through growth in your own job, or by being more competitive for vacant positions elsewhere in the University. We have added competencies to each classification, which also support career development.

Is it possible that I could be in the same University classification as my supervisor?

Yes, it is possible. One of the design parameters for the new classification structure was to have more specific classification descriptions. However, the new classifications are built around key outcomes, and if your supervisor performs similar work the majority of time with the only exception being the addition of supervision, they might still fit within your same classification. We anticipate such differences in job responsibilities, as well as performance levels, will be reflected in the individual salary decisions under the new compensation structure.

Is there a relationship between jobs in different job families? For example, does the third job of a series in one family have a relationship to the third job of a series in another family?

No. Each job family was developed independently, and there is not any relationship between the jobs across job families.