More than 30,000 people from all backgrounds make the University of Iowa work. Learn about job categories and career tracks, job search and recruiting resources, and valuable information for new hires:

Professional & Scientific Jobs
Learn about classification changes, career advancement and promotion, salary adjustments, and working titles.

Merit Jobs
Find info on classification reviews, shifts from Merit to Professional and Scientific, links to Merit pay and Merit rules, and related topics.

Student Jobs
Review information for student employees and employers alike, including implications of Work-Study, how to post or find a job, and more.

Categories and Competencies
Review Iowa's employment categories and the competencies associated with the range of UI jobs.

New to the university? Find info about orientation, campus culture, IT logins and ID cards, and other topics to help you get started.

Talent Acquisition
The team that leads campus recruitment offers info about dual-career opportunities, and more.