Supervisors and managers play a vital role in the employee lifecycle at the University of Iowa. Supervisors and managers help implement UI strategic initiatives along with managing operations, compliances, team culture, and performance. Discover Trainings & Resources to support and guide you on your supervisory journey.
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Supervisor Training Series
Training series are designed to give participants multiple learning opportunities through a series of courses designed with a shared learning objective.

Supervisor Training@Iowa
Supervisor Training@Iowa aims to establish a comprehensive approach to supervisory development at the University of Iowa. The online training is a required compliance and includes four courses designed to assist staff and faculty in supervisory roles with developing common knowledge, strengthening supervisory skills, and promoting consistent, fair employment practices.

Practical Applications of Supervisory Skills (PASS)
PASS is designed to help supervisors who are new to the role or for those looking to enhance their skills. This certificate program provides supervisors with professional development that focuses on exploring what we, as individuals, bring to the supervision dynamic. PASS includes group activities, case studies, presentations, group discussions, and online learning opportunities.

Supervising Today's Students
The Supervising Today's Students series (STS) focuses on developing skills for individuals who supervise and/or represent undergraduate students, while providing insights on how to best lead and support student employees. This certificate program was developed by Learning and Development, in partnership with the Pomerantz Career Center and the UI STEP program, for UI faculty and staff and supports the UI strategic goal of undergraduate student success.
Supervisors' Toolbox

The UI Supervisors’ Toolbox is a resource designed to complement the Supervisor Training@Iowa initiative. The toolbox provides additional learning resources for supervisors as they work to build culture, manage performance, and build teams. Supervisors can use the toolbox to refresh knowledge, find specific info on policies and processes, or delve deeper into supervisor training topics.
On-Demand Supervisor Training
There are several additional on-demand courses that can be taken by supervisors. These courses are not part of the required Supervisor Training@Iowa compliance and can be taken any time. You can sign up for each course through My Training in Employee Self-Service or click the links below.
Mental Health and Well-Being

This on-demand training is designed for UI supervisors and managers and focuses on supporting the mental health and well-being of employees. By improving your knowledge and skills in understanding and identifying mental health concerns, you will be better equipped to support your staff.
Leading Remote and Hybrid Teams

The University of Iowa has supported the concept of flexible work for many years. Recent events have sped up the adoption and implementation of various work arrangements. As a result, many supervisors now find themselves looking for ways to engage staff working on campus, hybrid, and/or completely remote.
Supervisor Resources & Support
Supervisors are the first line of contact for employees. When working through hiring, performance management, progressive discipline, and other stages of the employee lifecycle, there are many times supervisors need additional support. Supervisors should always start with their local College/Org Senior HR Leaders and Faculty HR Contacts for questions. Their local senior HR leader or faculty HR contact can refer to other campus resources as needed.
Campus Resources
Compensation and Classification
Compensation and Classification establishes job titles, pay structures, and related policies and procedures. It also manages the career status system for Professional and Scientific (P&S) staff and assists if layoffs occur.
Contact Compensation and Classification with questions about:
- Creating or updating job descriptions
- Reclassifying positions
- Making temporary appointments
- Setting pay levels and addressing pay-level requests
Employee and Labor Relations
Employee and Labor Relations helps manage the relationship between the university and its employees, with special emphasis on resolving problems that stem from work situations.
Contact Employee and Labor Relations with questions about:
- Conflict resolution
- Investigations of employee conduct or complaints
- Performance interventions and corrective actions
- Union contracts, activities, and grievances
Faculty and Staff Disability Services
Faculty and Staff Disability Services consults with employees and departments on matters related to employment and health conditions. Its goal is to help people with disabilities feel welcome and supported.
Contact Faculty and Staff Disability Services with questions about:
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and workplace accommodations for people with disabilities.
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Parental and medical leave
Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC)
Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) combines Title IX, gender equity, equity investigations, and ADA compliance functions.
Contact the Office of Civil Rights Compliance with questions about:
- UI policies and federal and state laws and regulations
- Equal employment opportunity compliance
- Discrimination concerns and complaints
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational Effectiveness provides tools and guidance for effective performance evaluations (along with training and resources on topics including leadership, organizational improvement, rewards and recognition, and much more).
Contact Organizational Effectiveness with questions about:
- Annual performance evaluation processes and deadlines
- Performance evaluation systems and tools
- Performance descriptors
- General info and advice for conducting performance reviews
Title IX Coordinator
The university’s Title IX coordinator, part of the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, ensures compliance with federal laws barring discrimination on the basis of sex, including in employment.
Contact the Title IX coordinator with questions about:
- Policies and practices related to Title IX.
- Sex discrimination concerns and complaints, including sexual harassment.
Additional Resources
Leadership Development
Leadership Programs & Services

In addition to the many programs and services specifically designed for supervisors and managers, there are also many programs available for Leadership Development.
Leadership Newsletter

Organizational Effectiveness sends a monthly email to subscribers that lists current Leadership Development opportunities across campus and throughout the community. Get the latest leadership news, right in your inbox, every month with our Monthly Leadership Opportunities newsletter.
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