At the University of Iowa, we are committed to supporting your growth and development. Organizational Effectiveness helps you further your professional development by offering fee assistance options.
Tuition Assistance Programs
The Tuition Assistance Program, for UI Faculty and Staff, as well as the UI Health Care Tuition and Certification Assistance Program, for UI Health Care Faculty and Staff, offers eligible faculty and staff an opportunity to apply for financial assistance to help defray the cost of tuition.
Robert F. Ray Scholarship

Established in honor of the late Robert F. Ray, former dean of The University of Iowa Division of Continuing Education (now Distance and Online Education, a department within University College), this scholarship supports UI staff members who wish to begin or continue their undergraduate studies at the UI.
Auditing University of Iowa Courses

All faculty and staff are eligible to audit (i.e., register for zero semester hours) one University of Iowa course per semester without being assessed tuition and mandatory fees for that course. The Faculty/Staff Application to Audit One Course with Tuition and Fees Waived is located at the bottom of the page under Tuition and Fees on the Office of the Registrar's website at:
Professional Development Fee Assistance
The Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award

The Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award Program allows professional and scientific or merit staff members to attend international, national, or regional conferences and workshops that will aid them in their work. The application is open all year, with two award periods annually.
Professional Development Awards

Organizational Effectiveness provides limited professional development awards for its for-fee workshops during the spring and fall semesters. Staff members with a regular appointment 50% time or greater receive an email twice a year (July and December) inviting them to apply for an award. Awards are made by random selection among all those who select a workshop they would like to attend. The award allows recipients to attend the workshop at no cost.