Payroll Services, Compensation and Classification, and Workforce Operations share responsibility for establishing competitive pay scales, managing job classifications and status, and ensuring employees receive timely, accurate compensation. Find pay-related resources:

Pay Plans
Find Merit staff pay grades and hourly pay ranges, Professional and Scientific pay levels and salary ranges, and related resources.

P&S Compensation
Explore classifications by pay level, benchmark jobs and other criteria for setting pay ranges, and processes for reviewing classifications.

Merit Compensation
Review information on probation and salaries, criteria for additional pay based on exceptional performance, and other topics for Merit staff.

Payroll Services
Find tax information, tips on preventing overpayments, criteria defining independent contractors, and more.

Workforce Operations
Learn about submitting time or leave records—whether you're P&S, Merit, or biweekly staff—and making corrections to records.

Compensation and Classification
Find info on creating new positions, making temporary appointments, and other topics for HR professionals.