Faculty on fiscal-year appointments, Professional and Scientific staff, and SEIU staff members in departments that report vacation and sick leave usage on a monthly basis should submit a monthly time record via Employee Self Service every month. Your monthly time record reports any paid leave you took during the month.

To record leave, click the Time & Pay tile/link then click the Time Records tool. Submit your time record by Friday of the first full week after the end of the month. Submit a monthly time record even if you have not used any leave.

If you need to make corrections after submitting a monthly time record, look for Time Record Corrections in Employee Self Service. If you need assistance, contact your supervisor or HR unit representative.  

You can find time/leave records for past months by clicking Vacation & Sick Leave in Employee Self Service.

Completing the Monthly Leave Record

Enter only paid absences that should be applied to your vacation or sick leave. If you have a question about how absences should be applied, contact your departmental administrator, supervisor, or HR representative.

Each day includes four entry spaces to indicate the type of vacation or sick leave used. Each entry must have a proper paid leave code to describe the type of leave applied.

Enter time in hours or tenths of an hour using the following guide:

6 minutes = .1
12 minutes = .2
18 minutes = .3
24 minutes = .4
30 minutes = .5
36 minutes = .6
42 minutes = .7
48 minutes = .8
54 minutes = .9

If the time applied doesn't exactly equal a tenth of an hour, round to the nearest tenth.

Converting Sick Leave to Vacation

You can convert sick leave hours you earn to vacation leave by checking an option on your monthly time record. Check "every month possible" to transfer sick leave to vacation on all applicable time records going forward. Check "this month only" to transfer sick leave only for the month you're reporting.  

To convert sick leave, you must have accrued at least thirty days (240 hours) of sick leave. You can view your leave accruals in Employee Self Service under Vacation/Sick Leave Report.  

If you use any sick leave during any given month, no sick leave will be transferred to vacation. You may continue to transfer until you choose to cancel or you reach your maximum vacation accruals. Transfers are made on a 3-to-1 hour ratio—for example, 12 hours of sick leave converts to 4 hours of vacation (prorated for part-time employees).