Most training programs will be held during regular working hours. Some personal development and health, safety, and wellness courses, however, may be offered during non-working hours. Departments are encouraged to provide release time to employees to attend training programs (with the approval of immediate supervisor as appropriate).

We suggest that you discuss the session(s) you are interested in with your supervisor. Your supervisor may grant you release time to attend in regular pay status to support your professional development and your work in your department. If the supervisor is unable or unwilling to approve release time, you may request to use vacation for the time missed, again, subject to the scheduling approval of your department that you can be away from work for this period of time.

Visit the UI Policy Manual, Section 26.2 and 26.3 for more information.

Contact Us

Learning and Development


121 University Services Building, Suite 51
1 W. Prentiss Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States