— UI Policy Manual
As members of the university community, each of us is responsible for creating an environment where faculty, staff, and students can learn, work, explore, discover, create, and engage. This requires:
- Treating all UI community members and visitors with respect
- Modeling ethical behavior and business practices every day, in every aspect of our work
- Embracing a commitment to fostering a welcoming and respectful workplace environment while recognizing personal differences
The university expects all faculty, staff, and students to meet standards of behavior grounded in UI values, including commitment to academic freedom and free speech. An academic institution has a duty to provide a forum in which differences of opinion are actively encouraged and facilitated, and where opinions and deeply held beliefs are challenged and debated.
UI Core Values
Our core values frame both who we are and who we aspire to be as a university community. As we plan, set priorities, and make daily decisions about how to carry out our mission, we are guided by these interdependent commitments.
University of Iowa Health Care defines its core values through its "We Care" values, which are: welcoming, excellence, collaboration, accountability, respect, and empowerment.
Key Policies
University policies underscore the expectation for respectful, fair, and ethical behavior by all community members. Updated regularly, the university’s Policy Manual is the best source for policy information.
Understanding and adhering to the following policies will provide a foundation for your success:
Key Policies
Human Rights
Prohibits differences in treatment based on protected classifications and establishes options for discrimination complaints, sanctions, and appeals.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
Prohibits unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature in the workplace and in the academic environment, and establishes procedures for reporting harassment and resolving allegations.
Prohibits severe, persistent, or pervasive conduct that interferes with work, education, on-campus living, or participation in university activities. Establishes formal and informal complaint, investigation, and disciplinary options.
Prohibits acts and threats of violence, including physical or sexual assault, threats of assault, threats with a weapon, domestic/dating violence, stalking, property damage, and violent conduct prohibited by Iowa law.
Protects people who make good-faith reports of university-related misconduct from retaliatory action.
Ethics and Responsibilities for UI Staff
Establishes ethical standards for staff members, including professional conduct, fairness, civility, compliance, information and data management, and stewardship.
Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibilities
Describes faculty responsibilities to students, scholarship, colleagues, the institution, and the community.
Conflicts of Commitment and Interest
Provides expectations and procedures to ensure that conflicts of interest (financial) and commitment (effort) are avoided whenever possible, or otherwise disclosed and managed.
Conflict of Interest in Employment (Nepotism)
Defines workplace conflicts of interest due to personal relationships between individuals in a supervisory relationship and establishes the process for disclosure and management of such situations.
Contact your local HR representative or your supervisor for more information about any university, collegiate, or departmental policy.