EAP offers 30-45 minute presentations on various topics. These can be presented in person or virtually. Please give at least six weeks' notice and have at least 12 attendees for in-person presentations. Email eaphelp@uiowa.edu to submit your request.
Building Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries are key to healthy relationships – with yourself and others, at work, and in your personal life. This presentation will identify what boundaries are, why you need them, and how to set them – including different contexts and situations we encounter at work and at home. Various boundaries and communication styles will be reviewed.
Emotional Intelligence: Managing Your Emotions, Managing Others
Emotional Intelligence contributes to success at work and in your personal life. In this presentation you'll learn how to understand your own emotions and the emotions of those around you.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training
EAP will guide you through this basic training to increase your understanding of the warning signs of suicide and how to be helpful to someone in crisis.
Why Sleep Matters
You'll learn about sleep, insomnia, and take away tips to improve your sleep.