Stress and sources of stress affect everyone at one point or another during the course of the day, from balancing work and family needs to the experience of overwhelming responsibility. Some of the most common causes of stress or anxiety, identified int the American Psychological Association's Stress in America report (pdf), include:
- Money
- Work
- The economy
- Family responsibilities
- Relationships (spouse, kids, partners, significant others)
- Personal health concerns
- Housing costs ( mortgage or rent)
- Job stability
- Health problems affecting the family
- Personal safety
If you are experiencing any of the following, the Employee Assistance Program may be able to help:
- Irritability or anger
- Fatigue
- Lack of interest, motivation or energy
- Feeling nervous or anxious
- Frequent headaches
- Feeling depressed or sad
- Feeling as though you could cry
- Upset stomach or indigestion
- Muscular tension
- Change in appetite
- Teeth grinding
- Tightness in my chest
- Feeling faint or dizzy
EAP can provide short-term confidential counseling for stress management as well as information about resources for ongoing management of stress. Please contact us at 319-335-2085 or at
Below are some helpful links:
- Fact Sheet on Stress (National Institute of Mental Health)
- American Psychological Association
- Videos, Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.:
- The American Institute of Stress
- Stress Management (
- Guided Meditations - UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center