What is the Student Pathways Internship Program?
The Student Pathways Internship Program is designed for soon-to-be or recent University of Iowa graduates interested in exploring a potential career with the UI. Interns may be hired full time upon successful completion of the program.
Internships are sponsored by university departments with consistent needs in crucial roles. The program seeks to provide relevant, meaningful, and valuable learning experiences that align with these needs, providing benefit to the student intern and sponsoring department.
This program is designed to capitalize on the talent pipeline inherent at our university. We want to provide our students with a streamlined experience that takes them from intern to employee and provides guidance and support along the way.
Who is eligible?
You are eligible for this program if you are a junior or senior in a qualifying field of study or a recent UI graduate who has completed a qualifying bachelor's degree within the previous year.
Program Objectives
This program aims to promote the UI as an employer of choice among our students. We also seek to recruit new talent by encouraging students and recent graduates to participate.
Program Administration
- The Student Pathways Program is primarily administered by the sponsoring department.
- Sponsoring departments outline essential roles to support the functioning of the unit and provide the necessary skills for an entry level position for graduating or recently graduated students.
- Student employment policies and procedures apply if hiring a current student. Recent graduates may work either part- or full-time.
- Each sponsoring department must sign a Participant Agreement with the intern that sets forth the expectations for the program.
- The intern's job will be related to their overall career goals by leveraging existing high-impact practices such as Iowa GROW.
- Upon successful completion of the program, the sponsoring department may transition an intern to a permanent role through an approved search waiver.