ELA-Higher Education Alumni
2021-2022 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2021-2022 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Amy Best, College of Law
- Blaine Greteman, English
- Diane Fountain, College of Liberal Arts
- Emily Kleinmeyer Office of the Provost
- Emine Bayman, Biostatistics
- Gabriela Rivera, Tippie College of Business
- George Wehby, Health Management and Policy
- Jackie Kleppe, External Relations
- Jennie Sertterh, Athletics
- Katie Newcomb, Center for Diversity and Enrichment
- Kelli Haught, Catlett Marketplace
- Harleah Buck, College of Nursing
- Liz Crooks, Museum of Natural History
- Lori Ihrig, Belin Blank Center
- Martha Pierce, WRAC
- Michelle Kongable, Employee and Labor Relations
- Omar Ahmad, Research Engineering
- Samantha Franck-Rezac, UI Pharmaceuticals
- Sandra Daack-Hirsch, College of Nursing
- Spencer Stumpf, Organizational Effectiveness
- Tanesha Herman, Graduate College/HR and Finance
- Tina Arthur, University College
2019-2020 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2019-2020 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Amanda Bibb, College of Law
- Andrew Holland, Library Administration
- Bret Gothe, Student Life
- Bridget Crossett, Athletics Facility
- Carlos Nelson, Center for Diversity & Enrichment
- Christopher Cheatum, Chemistry
- Duhita Mahatmya, College of Education
- Esther Baker, Iowa Lions Eye Bank
- Haley Sinn, Environmental Health & Safety Office
- Heather Mineart, UI Staff Council; Physics & Astronomy
- Jessica Padilla, Women's Resource & Action Center
- Jinghui (Jane) Li, University College, Department of Online Education
- Jodi Graff, College of Medicine/Medicine Admin/Grad & Postdoc Studies
- Jordan Immerfall, College of Education
- Kari Vogelgesang, Teaching and Learning
- Keith Becker, University Human Resources
- Lindsay Dinkelman, Athletics Strength & Conditioning
- Maria Bruno, University Counseling Services
- Melia Pieper, CLAS Human Resources
- Nancy Kroeze, Tippie College of Business Human Resources
- Nikki Hodous, Dean of Students
- Terry Noonan, Athletics/Sports Medicine and Performance
2018-2019 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2018-2019 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Abigail Stamp, Women's Basketball
- Adele Vanarsdale, Campus Planning and Development
- Angela (Angie), McMullin, College of Law
- Ben Anderson, Facilities Management/Utilities& Energy Management
- Caleb Recker, Recreational Services
- Chris Annicella, College of Education
- Cody Pritchard, Center for Diversity and Enrichment
- Dawn Freerks, Office of Distance and Online Education
- Jessica Boyle, Sponsored Programs
- Julie Cunningham, Office of the Provost
- Julie Sychra, Facilities Management
- Matthew Stancel, Recreational Services
- Maureen Schafer, Academic Advising
- Michael Weaver, Research Administration
- Monica Freiburger, Lions Eye Bank
- Monica Marcelo, Residence Education
- Neda Barrett, College of Dentistry
- Nellie Link, Student Life
- Rebecca Tritten, World Languages/Literatures/Cultures
- Teresa Garringer, Dean's Administration
- Virginia Ibrahim-Olin, University Housing & Dining
2017-2018 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2017-2018 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Aju Jugessur, Optical Science Tech Ctr
- Angela Charsha-Harney, Recreational Services
- Brittney Thomas, Teach, Learn, & Technology
- Christine Ralston, Career Services
- Clint Huntrods, Health & Human Physiology
- Cortney Boyle, Purchasing
- Cory Lockwood, Iowa Memorial Union
- Elizabeth Constantine, Education-Administration
- Erin Brothers, Division of Sponsored Programs
- Eugene Buck, CLAS Administration
- Heather Schnoebelen, CLAS Administration
- Isaac Podolefsky, CLAS Administration
- Jane Garrity, UI Research Foundation
- Jill De Young, Central Administration
- Kelly Flinn, Center for Conferences
- Kevin Zihlman, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Lynn Teesch, Cent Elect Microscopy Facility
- Megan Hammes, Human Resources
- Nathan T. Robinson, Office of the President
- Teri Schnelle, Student Services
- Tricia Brown, University News Services
- Wendy Robertson, Library Administration
2016-2017 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2016-2017 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Aaron Kline, Research Administration
- Adrianna Baggetta, Softball
- Brian Baxter, Recreational Services
- Charles Wieland, Social Work
- Emily Campbell, Education Administration
- Hayley Yearian, Research & Economic Development
- Jenifer Steil, CLAS Administration
- Jim Sayre, Parking Administration
- John Laverty, Admissions
- Liz McIntire, Office of the President
- Lois Gray, Office of the Dean Administration
- Lorelei Kurimski, State Hygienic Lab
- Lynne Sebille-White, Career Center
- Nadine Petty, Center For Diversity and Enrichment
- Paula Keeton, University Counseling
- Randy Nessler, Cent Elec Microscopy Research Facility
- Trisha Kreman, Administration/IC
2015-2016 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
2015-2016 ELA-Higher Education Cohort
- Adam Stockman, Eye Bank
- Akua Akyea, College of Law
- Angie Reams, Dean of Students
- April Tippett, College of Engineering
- Bethany Davis, Library Administration
- Brenna Goode, Chemistry
- Cynthia Fairchild, PT Appt Center Tier 4
- Elizabeth Kiscaden, Library Administration
- James Jorgensen, General Counsel
- Joshua Berka, Athletics
- Karna Wieck, CLAS Administration
- Kate Sojka, University College
- Kelley Ashby, Pomerantz Career Center
- Marlys Boote, Division of Continuing Education
- Meng Wu, High Throughput Screening
- Mirra Anson, University College
- Ruthina Malone, Psychology
- Sharon Beck, Office of the President
- Stephen Pradarelli, Research Administration
- Wade Aldous, Disease Control Administration
- Zev Sunleaf, UI Research Foundation