May be used to recognize a time limited assignment of performing the responsibilities of another position.
Staff member is transferred from their current position number to a vacant position on a time limited basis. Interim appointments will normally not exceed twelve (12) months; however, extensions may be requested from University Human Resources in exceptional circumstances.
If fully functional and competent in the interim classification, salary offer may be within the median zone. If not fully competent or with less than full responsibilities, salary offer may be between the minimum of the market range and the bottom of the median zone; salary offer cannot be below market range minimum. Exceptional circumstances may place the salary above the median zone, but not to exceed the market range maximum. It is common for an interim salary to be paid at a rate less than that same person would be paid if they were to move into the position on a regular basis.
All interim salary rates require approval by University Human Resources. At the end of the interim appointment, the staff member's salary and position title will revert to their former appointment. A staff member’s P&S status is considered “at-will” for the duration of the interim appointment, and will revert to their former status at the conclusion of the interim appointment. Any salary increases that the staff member would have received in their former appointment will be included when determining their salary at the end of this interim appointment.
An interim offer and staff member’s acceptance should be attached to the Interim Transfer transaction to appropriately document the arrangement.
Effective date is the day the staff member transferred into the vacant position.