The integrity of the university's educational mission is promoted by professionalism that derives from mutual trust and respect in instructor-student relationships. Similarly, the university is committed to the principle of protecting the integrity and objectivity of its staff members in the performance of their university duties. Any romantic and/or sexual relationship between an instructor and a student in an instructional context with the student is prohibited at the University of Iowa.
See University of Iowa policy related to consensual relationships involving students
Management Plan Process
If an instructor self-discloses a consensual relationship with a student, or a complaint is brought to a recipient* alleging a violation of the policy, the recipient determines if the policy applies. If the policy does apply, then a neutral supervisor** must develop a management plan of the instructional context.
The plan should include the elements listed below:
- Names and job titles/statuses of the relevant individuals
- The division or college and the unit or department in which the instructional context occurs
- A description of the measures established to end the evaluative, supervisory, and/or instructional functions, including names and titles, causing the conflict of interest.
The plan will be reviewed and disseminated as described in the Policy Manual.
* Recipient: A neutral supervisor of the instructor, the DEO/director of the department, the dean/vice president of the college/division in which the instructor is employed, the Office of the Provost, or the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.
** Neutral supervisor: the person immediately superior (usually the departmental executive officer of the academic department that offers the affected instructional activity) to the instructor involved in the consensual relationship who would otherwise have the responsibility to make, or participate actively in the making of, any decisions or recommendations relating to the employment status of the related individual.