The university has supported work arrangement options for more than 25 years. Mission-driven work arrangements can expand services, save space and money, enhance employee well-being, and help the university compete for talent, all while supporting the residential-campus experience students expect.
Workplace Flexibility
Establishing Work Arrangements
Colleges and administrative units determine which jobs are eligible for remote/hybrid work, alternative schedules, or other types of flexibility. Staff and faculty in these jobs work with their supervisors to establish and evaluate arrangements.
Establishing a work arrangement typically starts with a verbal conversation between employee and supervisor. Local HR representatives or senior HR leaders can answer questions and advise as needed.
Once there’s initial agreement, the employee completes a Work Arrangement Application to document work locations, schedules, and other details.
Intermittent Flexibility
While structured work arrangements suit only certain jobs, the university embraces intermittent flexibility that helps all employees meet day to day needs.
Examples of intermittent flexibility include temporary remote work during weather-related closures or a short-term alternative schedule that lets an employee balance work with other responsibilities.
Given their temporary nature, this type of flexibility is established between employee and supervisor and do not require formal documentation.
Types of Flexible Work
Most flexible work arrangements involve work locations or work schedules. Explore specific options available for jobs that can be performed effectively under flexible conditions.
Remote and Hybrid Work
Remote work
Job functions that can be performed effectively from entirely off-campus locations. Remote employees do not have personally assigned on-campus workspaces. Remote work at locations outside the state of Iowa requires university-level approval—see below.
Hybrid work
Job functions that can be performed effectively from a combination of on- and off-campus locations. Hybrid employees typically spend 2-3 days per week at an off-campus location. They generally do not have personally assigned on-campus workstations. They university typically provides equipment only for a hybrid employee’s primary work location.
Out-of-state work (domestic)
30 consecutive days of work per calendar year from any U.S. state other than Iowa. Out-of-state arrangements may have implications for taxes, benefits, and other factors. Additional university-level review is required.
Out-of-state work (international)
More than 14 consecutive days of work from outside the United States. International arrangements may have implications for taxes, benefits, and other factors. Additional university-level review and memoranda of understanding are required.
Flexible Schedules and Related Arrangements
Flexible schedule
Designated work hours that differ from standard start and stop times for employing units but do not change total number of hours worked per week. An employee might work the same schedule every day, set different schedules for different days, or establish other arrangements. Work may be performed on or off campus.
Compressed work week
A full work week condensed into fewer than five work days. Work may be performed on or off campus.
Reduced work week
Refer to the Policy Manual for more information