In our ever-changing environment, how do team members remain informed about current business processes across the University? How do we provide the training that new team members need to understand internal & external controls, policies & practices? This series will provide you with a comprehensive understanding encompassing areas such as business ethics, accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, internal controls, business services, federal/state laws, and shared financial accountability.
Participant Requirements
This series is intended for UI employees responsible for UI business and human resources functions. Others who are interested in gaining this knowledge are encouraged to register. To earn a Business Processes Series certificate, participants must complete the entire core curriculum.
Core Curriculum
The Business Processes Series classes will be provided online using ZOOM.
Core Curriculum
Ethics and Responsibilities: UI Policy and Decision-Making Guidelines (ICON Course)
In order to be successful, organizations must recognize the rights and interests of various stakeholders—at the University of Iowa, this includes, not only faculty, students, and staff, but a host of other external constituency groups. To be successful in today's work environment, we must incorporate the interests of these constituency groups as it relates to making ethical business decisions. In this online course you will learn the key points of the Ethics and Responsibilities Policy, understand expectations of conduct and be able to articulate the implications of a particular decision.
Enroll in this ICON course by logging into Employee Self Service | My Career | Learning & Development | My Training | Enroll in Courses and search for Ethics or W00329, OR Click the link below.
Finance & Operations Roadmap to Success
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
This course will set the tone for the UI Business Processes Series by providing a global perspective of how business works at the University of Iowa. Gain awareness of our changing environment through exposure to our primary governing and guiding principles. Learn how these principles and policies ensure that we are protecting, preserving and enhancing our resources so that we are achieving the missions of our university. Understand how these principles affect our roles & responsibilities as UI leaders, managers and employees. Finally, you will learn practical information about the University's budget process, sources of funding and the TIER/University Shared Services initiatives.
Office of the General Counsel Overview
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
There are several laws that impact the records we create, retain, and disclose at the University of Iowa, making record-keeping practices an important, and at times complicated, aspect of university life. This course reviews the basics of the Iowa Public Records Act, Iowa Code 91B (which provides employees access to their personnel files), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (relating to student education records). We will examine how these laws intersect – when records must be disclosed, to whom they must be disclosed, and when they are confidential. We will also provide an overview of other areas of responsibility of the Office of the General Counsel.
Internal Controls & Security
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Being a public university, we come under extra scrutiny from the different levels of government and the public. A sound control environment is necessary to help protect the resources of the University and demonstrate good stewardship. This is accomplished by the implementation of various internal controls. This course will describe what internal controls are, the different types of internal controls, and why they are important to the individual and their operation. Information will be shared to help the participant effectively control and minimize risks to themselves and the organization.
Shared Financial Accountability
Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The concept of shared financial accountability in Higher Education is as important as it is challenging. We have established shared accountability in an environment that is highly decentralized by developing a system and process that connects the dots between financial accountability & financial reporting. This class will provide an overview of our infrastructure of accountability from the financial account level to the collegiate unit level and how we have tied this to workflow routing approval, reconciliation compliance and online financial reporting & dashboards. Specifically, the content of this presentation will cover the following:
1. Identifying accountability by establishing roles at all levels.
2. Linking established roles to financial transactions approval routing & reconciliation compliance.
3. Leveraging established accountability infrastructure to allow access to role-specific financial reports & dashboards.
HR & Sponsored Projects Overview
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
This course provides an overview of major business processes in the areas of the Human Resources & Sponsored Projects. You will learn about the following areas:
- Importance of HR appointments/reclassifications/other transactions which have a direct impact to financial accounts
- Fringe benefits rates
- Applicable external regulations
- Compliance related to gifts and sponsored projects
Business Services Overview
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
This course will provide an overview of major Business Services processes in the area of Contracting, Purchasing and Accounts Payable/Travel, Risk Management, Printing, Surplus and University Shared Services. You will learn about roles & responsibilities, specific Board of Regent and University Policies and Procedures, relevant systems, available tools and services provided. Additionally, find out about additional courses which will provide more detailed training on related topics.