
University Workforce Operations

Campus Address
120 USB
Mailing Address

120 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

The following biweekly student appointment options are available to university employers through the HR Transaction System on Employee Self Service.  A student hourly job code (pdf) must be selected at the point of hire.

This page is dedicated to university employers who wish to hire employees through one of the three programs outlined below.

  • Biweekly continuous/part-time hourly (academic year): The employer pays 100 percent of the student's wages. The appointment continues until either it is terminated by the department or the student no longer registers for university classes.
  • Work-Study (academic year and summer): The employer pays 50 percent of the student's wages (40 percent if the job is designated as a community service position) up to $12.00 per hour. The Work-Study program pays the remaining 50/60 percent until the student has earned the amount of the Work-Study award. The portion of the wage above $12.00 per hour is paid 100 percent by the employer. The appointment is for a specific time frame and must be renewed after each period. Students must reapply for Work-Study for each employment period.
  • Summer (not Work-Study): The employer pays 100 percent of the wages. During the summer, UI employers can hire students using the following appointment types:
    • Students enrolled in summer UI classes may be appointed using the biweekly student continuous option. This appointment type has a begin date, but no end date. The appointment remains in effect as long as the student is enrolled for at least one semester hour.
    • Students enrolled in spring UI classes, but not summer, may be appointed using the biweekly student summer option. This appointment type has a begin and end date. If the student continues UI enrollment in the fall, the employer can appoint them under biweekly student continuous for the fall.
    • Students enrolled at a college/university other than the University of Iowa or a high school during the prior spring session or for the current summer session can be appointed using the professional and scientific appointment and the subtype of biweekly non-student ("non-student" means non-UI student). Employers should use a Job Code of PZ07. This appointment type has a begin and end date. The job must be posted under the Temporary/Other option in Jobs@UIOWA for the required three-day time period unless the student meets the internal hire rules of being employed by the University in the last 24 months. If you have questions about the PZ07 appointment option, contact Compensation and Classification at or 319-335-5298. When using this appointment, you will need to attach the following:
      • Proof of enrollment for the spring semester
      • Written acknowledgment that the student employee will notify the supervisor if he/she is no longer enrolled as a student