Application Tutorial Transcript


Welcome to The University of Iowa’s official job’s website. provides advertising for all Staff, Faculty, Postdoctoral, and Temporary openings. You can search current openings from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Searching for Positions

Click on “Staff” to find open positions. Faculty, Post-Doctoral, and Temporary positions will take you to a sub-section within the site to apply.

Once the current openings are listed, you can refine your search by using the filtering tools located on the left-hand side of the screen or by utilizing the search bar. The search bar can assist with searching for a position by the job number, title, or terms (i.e. “nursing,” “libraries,” “facilities,” etc.).

To learn more about the position, click on the title to view the Job Description, Qualifications, and application instructions. At the bottom of the posting, a contact will be listed for further inquiries regarding the position.

Applying for a Position

Once you have found an opening you’d like to be considered for, click on the “Apply for Job” button. This will trigger UI’s Privacy Agreement and prompt you to either log-in or register a new profile.


New users will need to create a username, password, and a valid email address. Once a profile has been created, you will begin to move through the application steps outlined at the top of the page (“Personal Information,” “Experience & Credentials,” “General Questions,” “Job Specific Questions,” “File Attachments,” “Disability Identification,” “eSignature,” “Review and Submit”).


For current, regular-appointed Staff employees, please apply through Employee Self Service. Within Employee Self Service, go to your “My Career” section and access the website through the “Apply for Job Opportunities” link. Your username and password are your current HawkID and HawkID password.

During the job submission process, you can choose to upload a document or connect your LinkedIn or Indeed account to parcel your education, work experience, licenses/certifications, etc. into your file. You can also fill this information out manually. This is an option and is not mandatory to for your submission unless specifically stated on the opening’s advertisement. If you decide to upload a file attachment, such as your Resume/CV/Cover Letter, this can be completed at a later step in the submission process.


Continue to fill out each section and press save/continue until your submission is finished. On the last page, be sure to scroll to the bottom and click “Submit.” You will receive an automated email notifying you of your successful job submission. If you did not receive an email, check your trash or junk folders, and then verify through your “My Submissions” section of your profile. Within “My Submissions,” you will find your job submissions you have applied to with the status of the position and your application. If “Draft” is listed next to the status of your submission, this means you have not successfully completed your application for that position.


Managing Your Profile


When you want to check the status of your applications and view your profile, log-in to or through Employee Self Service (if a current, regular-appointed Staff employee). To access your profile, click on the “Go to Profile” link located on the right-hand side of your screen.


Your profile has 4 main steps that can be updated at any time: “Personal Information,” “Preferences,” “File Attachments,” “Review and Submit.” If you reach the maximum amount of file uploads (25), the Talent Acquisition Department can remove files that are no longer being used. Please email Talent Acquisition a list of the attachments you want removed ( For documentation purposes, Talent Acquisition needs the file name for each attachment to remove.


Receiving Job Alerts via Email

Setting up an email alert for positions is a great way to stay up to date on openings. Once logged-in, your name will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click on your name and a drop-down menu will appear with “Settings” as an option. Within “Settings,” you can sign up for job alerts and frequency you want to receive emails. You are able to indicate specific categories for alerts within the “Interests” section.



Thank you for considering The University of Iowa as your potential employer. For additional assistance creating a profile and applying for positions, please see our document with step-by-step Application Instructions. If you have additional questions regarding the job submission process, please contact Talent Acquisition at 319-335-2656 or

If you are experiencing browser related issues or have trouble logging-in to your account, please contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance at 319-384-4357.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates and new career opportunities!