
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Step 1, planning the change. Step 2, announcing the change. Step 3, Implementing the change. Step 4, sustaining outcomes.

While the process steps are the same, we have two versions of the change management process. 
Choose what fits best for you.  

Large-scale change                            Small-scale change

The Process of Change Management

Small-Scale Change

Phase 1: PLANNING the Change

  • These questions are a great place to begin: 

    • WHAT is changing? 

    • WHY are we changing it? 

    • WHY NOW? 

    • What would happen if we don’t?

    • Does this align with our organization's overall strategy?

  • Select a project approach: Will your change initiative have phases?  Or maybe tracks (mini-projects)? How do you want to chunk it down into manageable components? 

  • Create a simple visual: Create a 1-page infographic to visually communicate what is changing, why it is changing, and what your team can expect (with a high-level timeline).  

Phase 2: ANNOUNCING the Change

  • Start with managers: Make sure that leadership, managers, and supervisors are aware of the coming change.  

  • Meet directly with employees: Meet directly with employees to introduce the change, answer questions, address concerns, and gather feedback.  

Phase 3: IMPLEMENTING the Change

  • Launch the project: Kick off the change initiative, making sure everyone is clear about their role in the project.  

  • Create a plan: Identify major milestones and who will do what by when.  

  • Pay attention to your people: Keep an eye out and an ear open for feedback on how your team is feeling about the change.  

  • Communicate progress: Let everyone know how the change is going. 

Phase 4: SUSTAINING Outcomes

  • Celebrate successes: Acknowledge both individual employees and teams who are successfully using new behaviors that reinforce the change. And take corrective actions where needed.  

  • Ensure the change sticks: Implement policies, structures, and support systems to ensure the new behaviors and processes become your team’s way of doing things.  

Need help with a change initiative?  Contact us at  Our change management experts are available for a consultation (at no cost).