
Learning and Development

Campus Address
121-51 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 51
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Tuition Assistance Program Guidelines

  • Coverage: Tuition assistance covers only tuition costs (other fees not included).
  • Eligibility: Eligible staff with satisfactory performance can apply for coursework that their department certifies as job relevant. Employees pursuing a college degree must meet the job-relevant eligibility requirement.
  • Coursework locations: Coursework must be completed at the University of Iowa, unless an equivalent course is not offered at UI and is deemed job relevant.
  • Application priority: Applications are prioritized based on the educational institution and the date/time of submission and supervisor approval. Applications for external (non-UI) coursework will be considered after the supervisor deadline.
  • Notification: All applicants will be notified via email about the status of their application, whether awarded or not.
  • Course enrollment: You must enroll in and take the specific course indicated on your application. If course details change, refer to the Amended Application guidelines.
  • Application accuracy: Ensure your application is accurate. Please review the Amended Application guidelines regarding changes after submitting your application.
  • Course registration: You do not need to be registered for the course at the time of application. If awarded, you must complete the course listed on the application. Any changes to the course should follow the Amended Application process.

Tuition Support/Rates

  • Support limits: Tuition assistance is limited to one credit course (up to four semester hours) per semester. The rate is equivalent to the UI Liberal Arts resident undergraduate rate for undergraduate courses or the Graduate College rate for graduate courses, per the current year’s tuition schedule.
  • External (non-UI) courses: If awarded for a non-UI course, you will receive reimbursement after successful course completion and submission of required documentation. The awarded course must start in the awarded semester and be completed within eight months.
  • Funding from other sources: If you receive tuition funding from another university source, such as your department, for up to four credit hours or more, do not apply for central tuition assistance.

By accepting tuition assistance, you agree to the specified terms and conditions, including repaying tuition assistance if you leave paid employment within two years after the end of the semester in which you received tuition assistance.

Remember, limited funds are available. Please commit to completing each course funded by this program to make the most of this valuable opportunity.