
Learning and Development

Campus Address
121-51 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 51
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Registration is required for all programs (unless otherwise noted). 

  • Registrations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Because many sessions fill up quickly, early registration is recommended. The registration deadline for each course is seven days prior to the course date.
  • Once the session registration deadline has been reached, registrants will be notified regarding their status in the course. Confirmations are sent approximately six days prior to the course. The confirmation may include more detailed information about the session, including location and materials needed, if any.

If program registrations have reached maximum capacity, registrants will be placed on an overflow list and contacted if a cancellation occurs. Notifications will be sent approximately six days prior to the course.

UI Learning & Development may cancel a session due to lack of enrollment (another good reason to register)! Registrants will be notified if a course has been canceled.

My Training (Employee Self Service) Registration Without a Fee

Register through the Employee Self Service web site:

  • Log into Employee Self Service using your HawkID and password.
  • Select My Career | Learning & Development | My Training
  • Select Enroll in Courses (courses are listed in alphabetical order)
  • Locate a session, choose View Course for the description and when offered.
  • Select Enroll in this Course Session.

Once you are enrolled you may view the session in your My Courses | Currently Enrolled Courses section. Sessions are automatically confirmed at the time of enrollment, and an email confirmation is also sent approximately six days prior to the session. Class lists are returned to Learning & Development, and the status of participants is updated from Currently Enrolled Courses to Completed, No Show, or Canceled. Once the status is updated, the class is then moved, if completed, to the My Courses | Past Courses section of My Training.

Printable Registration Form for Workshops that Require a Fee

To register for a workshop that requires a fee, print and complete the printable registration form and send it, with payment, to: UI Learning & Development, 121 University Services Building, Ste. 51, Iowa City, IA 52242-1911 or campus mail to 121-51 USB.

Printable registration forms, including those with UI Requisitions, can be faxed to (319) 335-2644. If making payment by check, please make payable to UI Learning & Development and send along with the printable registration form.

Unless the fee accompanies the registration form, you will not be registered for the workshop.

My Training (ICON) Courses

To register:

  1. Log on to Employee Self Service using your HawkID and password.
  2. If you haven't customized Employee Self Service, select My Career | Learning & Development | My Training.
  3. Select Enroll in Courses. All courses, including the online ICON University-specific courses are listed. The Online-ICON courses are identified under Course Type.
  4. Choose View Course for a description.
  5. To enroll select Enroll in this Course Session.  A new window will open and display the course.
  6. To return to your unfinished online course, follow steps 1 and 2 above, then scroll to My Courses/Currently Enrolled Courses and select the course to which you wish to return.

Once the course is completed, it is then recorded in the My Courses | Past Courses section of My Training in Employee Self Service. (To be considered complete, you must receive at least an 80% on each course lesson). Completed My Training (ICON) Courses are reflected in your My Training | Past Courses within 24 to 48 hours of completion.