UI Policies and Resources
Includes information and maps regarding the Tobacco Free Campus Policy.
liveWELL's free one-on-one Health Coach Service can assist in tobacco cessation and other lifestyle improvements. When working in conjunction with a health coach, UI employees can receive reimbursement for receipts totaling up to $500 for nicotine replacement therapy or other smoking cessation medications. For assistance email liveWELL or call 319-353-2973.
Quitline Iowa
Quitline Iowa is a toll-free statewide smoking cessation telephone counseling line. Trained counselors provide individuals with assistance in stopping smoking: 800-QUIT-NOW or 800-784-8669.
Additional Resources
American Cancer Society: Guides to quitting, research and fact sheets.
American Heart Association: Guides to quitting, tips for ex-smokers, stress management strategies.
American Lung Association: Stop smoking guide.
BecomeanEX.org: free digital resource to help tobacco users quit. This resource includes an active social community, text and email messaging support, expert guidance and interactive quitting tools.