Supervisors can review remote, hybrid, or flexible-schedule work arrangements as part of the annual performance review process. 

An item in the Performance Review Tool automatically appears when supervisors review employees with active in-state work arrangements. Supervisors can attest that:

  • They've reviewed existing arrangements and approve their extension as is
  • They've reviewed arrangements and are working with employees on new arrangements
  • They have not reviewed arrangements (in cases of short-term or other arrangements already scheduled to end)

The item appears only to supervisors during the performance review process. Supervisor responses to the item will appear in final draft of an employee's review and when the review is uploaded to the employee's e-personnel file.

Note that this item only appears for employees working within the state of Iowa. Additional review tools for out-of-state domestic and international arrangements are in development.

Work Arrangement Review Dates

illustration of a calendar ICON

Work arrangements should be reviewed at least once a year. Supervisors and employees set a review date (as well as start and end dates, when applicable) when documenting a new arrangement in the Work Arrangement Application.

When a supervisor uses the Performance Review Tool to extend an existing arrangement during the 2024 cycle, the review date will automatically update to March 31, 2026. Similar automatic extensions will apply in subsequent years.

Supervisors and employees may want to manually set review dates. Supervisors can do so using the "Update Review Date" option in the Work Arrangement Application.

When a supervisor uses the Performance Review Tool to indicate that an existing work arrangement is being revised, they should subsequently set the review date—and make any other changes to the arrangement—in the Work Arrangement Application.

Work Arrangement Review Considerations

When reviewing work arrangements in the context of annual performance reviews, supervisors and employees should consider these questions:

  • Have overall productivity and performance been maintained since the start of the arrangement?
  • Has the employee remained accessible to their team and/or their customers?
  • Has effective communication been maintained?
  • Has the arrangement had any impact—positive or negative—on the employee's team or unit?
  • Has the arrangement had any impact—positive or negative—on the employee's well-being?
  • (For student-, patient-, or customer-facing positions) Have service-delivery standards been maintained?

Common Questions About Work Arrangement Reviews

Will this item appear for all performance reviews?

No—the work arrangement item will appear only on performance reviews for P&S and Merit employees in health-care and non-health-care orgs who have active work arrangements within the state of Iowa.

I'm an employee with a work arrangement. Why don't I see this item in my performance review?

The work arrangement item appears only to supervisors while your review is in draft or routing. You'll see your supervisor's response at the employee acknowledgement step in the Performance Review Tool and in the finalized review that's uploaded to your e-personnel file.

How do I extend the review date for a work arrangement once a performance review is complete?

When a supervisor uses the Performance Review Tool to extend an existing arrangement during the performance review cycle that ends on March 31, 2024, the review date for an employee’s work arrangement will automatically extend to March 31, 2025. Similar automatic extensions will apply in subsequent years.

Supervisors can manually enter review dates using the "Update Review Date" option in the Work Arrangement Application.