The UI Ergonomics Program strives to provide an efficient and safe work environment for all employees by offering education and prevention programs.
“The science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population. Ergonomics is an approach or solution to deal with a number of problems—among them are work-related musculoskeletal disorders.”—National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
The goal of the Ergonomics Program is to provide an efficient and safe work environment for all employees. We achieve this by working with units and individuals through prevention and education programs, ergonomic risk assessments and consultations, and implementation of control measures to limit ergonomic risks in the environment.
The University of Iowa encourages employees to follow sound ergonomic practices, and to become educated in ergonomic principles in order to ensure a healthy and productive work environment. The Ergonomic Workstation Assessment and Evaluation process is designed to provide employees with education, self-awareness, and onsite assistance if they believe their work area may not be optimal.