Open enrollment is live Nov. 1–15, 2024. Changes are effective Jan. 1, 2025.
Monday, October 28, 2024

As the annual benefits open enrollment period approaches, we encourage you to review and make informed decisions about your health care and insurance benefits.

Benefits open enrollment takes places Nov. 1–15, 2024. Any changes you make to your benefits elections will be effective Jan. 1, 2025.

Here are important considerations to keep in mind as you choose insurance benefits for you and your family.

Health plan options and changes

Choosing the right health plan for you and your family is an important decision. We offer two health plans: UIChoice and UISelect.

Some notable changes to 2025 plans include:

  • Premium increases: Premiums for UIChoice and UISelect will increase by no more than $22 per month, depending on your coverage options. We encourage you to compare the requirements, costs, and benefits of each plan to determine which one best meets your needs.
  • Updates to UIChoice: The medical out-of-pocket maximum for Level 3 participating and non-participating providers will be combined beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Routine physicals and preventive services received at Level 3 non-participating providers will have 0% coinsurance, but balance billing may apply.
  • Pharmacy out-of-pocket maximum: The out-of-pocket maximum for prescription drugs will increase, affecting the maximum amount you'll pay in a calendar year for covered medications. This change is needed to manage overall health plan costs while still ensuring access to necessary services.

Dental plan changes

  • Premium increase: Dental plan premiums will slightly increase.
  • New deductible: A $15 deductible will be introduced for services provided by premier and non-participating dentists. This deductible does not apply to routine check-ups, cleanings, or orthodontics.

Flexible spending accounts (FSA)

If you want to contribute to an FSA, you must re-enroll each year. Any funds left over from 2024 will not carry forward to 2025. The maximum amount you can contribute to your health care FSA will increase to $3,200 in 2025.

FSAs are a valuable tool for saving on taxes by allowing you to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible health care and dependent care expenses.

Reviewing and updating your elections

Even if you don't plan to make changes to your benefits, we recommend reviewing your current elections in Employee Self-Service. Here's why:

  • Milestone birthdays: If you turned 40, 50, or 60 this year, your voluntary term life insurance rates may have increased. Review your coverage to adjust to these changes.
  • Dependent coverage: If you have dependents who are turning 26, they may no longer be eligible for health plan coverage. Use open enrollment to update your dependent information.
  • UISelect: You must live in Iowa to enroll in this health plan.
  • Waiving insurance: If you choose to waive health insurance through the UI, you need to complete an attestation in Employee Self-Service regarding your health insurance status in order to comply with Affordable Care Act requirements.
  • Beneficiary updates: Ensure your beneficiary designations are up to date to reflect any life changes.

In addition to insurance benefits, the University of Iowa offers a range of resources to support your overall health and well-being, including the Employee Assistance Program, health coaching, the UI Support and Crisis Line, a discounted membership to campus recreational facilities, and more.

Visit the well-being website to explore a comprehensive list of services and resources available to UI faculty, staff, and students.

You can find more information about the 2025 open enrollment period on the annual benefits open enrollment webpage or submit a question to University Benefits.