
Leadership Development

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building., Suite. 50
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

UI LEAD (Leadership, Education, Assessment, and Development) is a comprehensive leadership program where emerging or mid-level staff and faculty work directly with peers, a coach, and leadership to further their career goals and effectiveness as a leader.

UI LEAD Program Elements

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  • 3 individual coaching sessions with a leadership coach: includes time to discuss the participant's leadership development plan, topics of the participant's choosing, and close with a sustainability plan.
  • DISC and CliftonStrengths behavioral assessments
  • Book on Emotional Intelligence
  • 4 cohort learning sessions
  • Critical Friends sessions where cohort peers provide feedback on an issue identified by the participant


What past participants have to say about UI LEAD.

"The combination of group sessions and 1:1 coaching sessions is a winning combination.”
"What I valued most was the dedicated time, space, and resources to learn and practice leadership skills."

Nomination Process

UI LEAD engages and develops leadership skills for emerging high-potential or mid-level faculty and staff. The $300 cost covers vendor fees for a book, online assessments, and comprehensive reports. We encourage departments to fund UI LEAD for participants. 

 Candidates may include:

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  • Leaders transitioning into expanded roles managing others.
  • Technically gifted faculty and staff seeking to sharpen their people-leadership skills.

To apply:

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  1. Secure support from your supervisor/faculty sponsor. 
  2. Initiate nomination by emailing OE Leader
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UI LEAD Guide for Participants

If you had a wish list for what you could do better as a leader what would that entail? The answers frequently include items such as “I wish I had a group of peers I could talk with about what I’m encountering” or “I want to know my own strengths so I can be more effective.” If that sounds like you, learn more about the benefits, commitment, and process of enrolling as a participant in UI LEAD. 

handshake in shape of a heart

UI LEAD Guide for Sponsors & Supervisors

UI LEAD is an investment, and the sponsor commits to the financial support and nomination for each participant. The supervisor's involvement is also an important component to a participant's success. Learn more about your role as the Sponsor or Supervisor of UI LEAD participant. 

UI LEAD 2024 Overview

To read and share information about the 2024 UI LEAD Cohort with a candidate, administrator, colleague, or department: 

Download the 2024 UI LEAD Cohort Overview

Please reach out to for any questions regarding UI LEAD.