
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Performance Review Period

  • There is one annual performance review cycle for staff, which begins in mid-April and ends on March 31 of the following calendar year. Departments may establish internal deadlines within the performance review period to facilitate the needs and plans of the departments.

Employment Dates that Trigger a Review

  • A performance review is required, within the established cycle, for any staff member with continuous regular employment 3 months prior to the cycle end date. Continuous employment is defined as no break in service more than 10 days.
  • Departments have discretion to require performance appraisals be conducted on a more frequent basis to meet departmental needs or regulatory compliance.

Multiple Jobs

  • Employees who hold multiple jobs, whether within the same department or in more than one department, are only required to have one review completed each cycle.
  • Multiple reviews may be completed in a performance review period if desired or warranted.


  • For a review to count as completed in a specific cycle, the review date on the form must be on or prior to the cycle end date.
  • Ratings are required for all Merit and P&S employees.
  • Ratings are optional for SEIU employees.

Employee Status Performance Review Requirements

  • UI requires reviews for all regular P&S/SEIU/Merit staff who are active, on paid leave, or on unpaid leave. Employees on complimentary appointments and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) employees are excluded. Staff on leave who are not available to have a review may be identified as such in Self Service. Requests for this should be sent to the department HR Rep.