
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

We take pride in acknowledging exceptional faculty and staff for their outstanding achievements. Recognizing our people honors their hard work and inspires continued excellence across the institution. There are many opportunities across campus to celebrate and nominate a deserving staff member, along with opportunities for employees and departments to receive additional funding to support recognition and professional development. Rewards and recognition are known to play a vital role in employee engagement and satisfaction.
simple tree graphic

Mental Health Champion Awards

Scanlan Center for School Mental Health

The Mental Health Champion award is designed to cultivate an environment that values and recognizes mental health and the importance it holds in the well-being of each of our lives and for assisting the University of Iowa in meeting its strategic goal of being a health-promoting campus.

plaque with wreath

Improving Our Workplace Award

UHR-OE with Staff Council

Is there someone who is making a positive difference in the results your workplace is achieving? Nominate them for the Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)! The I.O.W.A. recognizes individuals and teams who have made a difference while demonstrating initiative, innovation, lasting impact and measurable results. 

Hawkeye Distinguished Veterans Award

Division of Student Life
Ribbon ICON

Established in 2015, the Hawkeye Distinguished Veterans Award honors members of the armed forces. Recipients of the Hawkeye Distinguished Veterans Award have demonstrated these upstanding qualities: A strong University of Iowa connection, honorable service to our country, military accomplishment or contributions, and service to the community.

Additional Award Opportunities

There are many other awards available across campus. The below organizations and committees help sponsor multiple award opportunities.

UI Faculty

The University of Iowa is proud to recognize the achievements of our exceptional faculty. Learn more about other honors awarded by the Office of the Provost, Council on Teaching, Division of Student Life, Faculty Senate, Office of the Vice President for Research, and the Board of Regents, State of Iowa.

Faculty Award Opportunities

UI Health Care

UI Health Care is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that nurtures excellence. In doing so, UI Health Care Human Resources offers many opportunities to recognize individuals, develop careers, and celebrate achievements.

UI Health Care Reward and Recognition Opportunities

Office of the Vice President for Research

"It is an honor to celebrate our faculty, staff, postdocs, and students who are conducting high-impact research and scholarship. Through this awards program, we also recognize the important work of translating research and scholarship for various public audiences, advancing research safety, administering research programs, and mentoring the next generation of researchers, scholars, and artists." - Marty Scholtz, Vice President for Research

Discovery & Innovation Award Opportunities

Celebration of Excellence and Achievement Among Women

The Celebration of Excellence and Achievement Among Women committee is a cross-campus team that celebrates and supports exceptional female leaders at Iowa. We amplify their impact at an annual event that spotlights female student scholarship winners as well as female faculty and staff doing inspirational work.

CEAAW Award Opportunities

UI Staff Council

The University of Iowa Staff Council is an elected body that represents approximately 7,500 non-bargaining professional and scientific staff. Founded in 1967, it is the council’s mission to represent and advocate for all staff at the university.

Staff Council Award Opportunities 

University Human Resources

The Human Resources Leadership awards are part of an ongoing effort to develop, promote and advance HR leadership at the University of Iowa. The annual awards will recognize HR leaders across campus who function as strategic business partners, demonstrate key HR leadership competencies, and serve as role models for other HR professionals. 

HR Leadership Award Opportunities

IT Leadership Awards (ITLA)

The IT Leadership Award is part of a continuing effort to develop, encourage, and support IT Leadership for all IT professionals across the University of Iowa. This annual award is co-sponsored by the UI Chief Information Officer and the UI IT Leadership Development Team. 

ITLA Award Opportunities

Monetary Compensation & Awards

Flexible Pay for Exceptional Performance - P&S, SEIU

Flexible Pay shall be awarded for extra-meritorious performance that may include rewarding a variety of outcomes and behaviors e.g., project completion, sustained high level performance and revenue generation, etc. There are two types of Flexible Pay: (1) Exceptional Performance Awards, and (2) Spot Performance Awards. Flexible Pay should not be used as a substitute for providing ongoing base adjustments that assure fair and competitive salaries.

Flexible Pay Information

Pay for Exceptional Performance - Merit

Pay for exceptional performance is governed by the Merit rules established by the Iowa Board of Regents. Learn more at the Merit compensation webpage.

Professional Development Award

Learning & Development provides limited professional development awards for its for-fee workshops during the spring and fall semesters. Staff members with a regular appointment 50% time or greater receive an email twice a year (July and December) inviting them to apply for an award. Awards are made by random selection among all those who select a workshop they would like to attend. The award allows recipients to attend the workshop at no cost. For Fee Workshops range in cost from $25 to $350. 

For Fee Workshops

Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award

The Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship is an award that University of Iowa staff members may use to help defray costs associated with regional, national, or international meetings or workshops, as well as a variety of other non-academic professional development opportunities on and off-campus.

Mary Jo Small Award Information

UI Tuition Assistance Program

The UI Tuition Assistance program allows eligible faculty and staff to apply for financial assistance to help defray the cost of tuition (excluding other fees) for one college credit course (up to four semester hours). This online application process is available via the Employee Self-Service site. Located under My Career Learning & Development - Tuition Assistance Application, eligible applicants complete and send the application through the Workflow System for approval and processing.

UI Tuition Assistance Program Information 

If you are employed by UI Health Care, and not eligible for the UI tuition program, please visit the UI Health Care Tuition and Certification Assistance Program website for details and contact information.

Staff Appreciation Grant Program

The Staff Appreciation Grant program is an opportunity for groups seeking funding for appreciation and recognition efforts in their specific area (not intended for campus-wide or shared governance event, apply for UISC funds for these purposes). Departments may request one Staff Appreciation Grant per fiscal year and may request $10 per staff member up to $300 total. This grant is awarded on a first qualified, first served basis and funding is limited.

Staff Appreciation Grant Information

Wellness Grant Program

The University of Iowa actively supports and promotes a culture of health and well-being for all campus community members. By providing grant funds directly to departments for activities that promote physical and emotional health and well-being, liveWELL aims to make practicing healthy habits in the workplace easier, which in turn supports a culture of health on campus.

Wellness Grants Information

If your organization or department has a campus award or celebration not listed above, please email