
Administrative Services

Campus Address
121-10 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 10
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

The UHR Welcome Center is open 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
UHR staff retreat 2024
University HR staff 9.10.24

University Human Resources is committed to developing and providing programs and services that support the mission and values of the University of Iowa.

University Human Resources is responsible primarily for programs and policies that attract, develop, and retain qualified staff, and for providing programming which enhances the well-being and effectiveness of the University community. To consistently meet the changing needs of our many customers, University Human Resources is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation.

We welcome your feedback and ideas regarding opportunities to improve efficiency, simplify processes, increase productivity, and raise quality.

Cheryl Reardon

Chief HR Officer and Associate Vice President
Cheryl Reardon

HR Units and Staff

Unit and staff contacts
Telephone ICON

UHR Organizational Chart

University HR units and structure
Org Chart ICON

Commitment to a Welcoming and Respectful Environment

handshake in shape of a heart
Human Resources provides leadership in shaping a welcoming and respectful workplace environment that drives excellence and innovation by supporting talent, engagement, and the employee work experience.

UHR Vision Statement

Human Resources provides leadership in shaping a welcoming and respectful workplace environment that drives excellence and innovation by supporting talent, engagement, and the employee work experience.

This commitment is realized through intentionally creating a workplace environment where all UHR employees feel valued and are empowered to make a positive impact. As a community we embrace our differences and seek multiple perspectives to inform our work, which leads to improved university outcomes and supports holistic well-being for our employees.

Because UHR serves the entire campus, we strive to create welcoming and respectful environments for all. We continually work toward implementing fair practices and policies enabling all university community members to advance the university's mission.

Photoshelter Hands holding Gears