
University Workforce Operations

Campus Address
120 USB
Mailing Address

120 University Services Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Termination Codes for faculty and staff are part of the HR Transaction System drop-down menu and are used for a variety of reasons as described below.

NOTE: If the workflow form is coded incorrectly for faculty, the Office of the Provost will change it to a different code that is better aligned with the stated reason for leaving the University. These codes are used for institutional reports and to identify patterns or trends at the University.

Termination Reasons - Employee initiated

EE - Return to School

Code - RET

When to use - Employee self-discloses s/he is returning to any level of school (e.g., higher degree, residency)


EE - Resignation

Code - RES

When to use - Employee self-discloses resignation

Notes - Best to be used if no other code is applicable or additional information is unavailable


EE - Graduation

Code - GRD

When to use - Use only for Graduate Students/Fellows graduating at the end of Spring semester. Purpose is to appropriately end benefits as of 6/1.

Eligible job codes are FR19, FT19, FT52, and FF52


EE - Retirement

Code - RAT

When to use - Employee self-discloses intent to retire and is 55 years of age or older

Notes - For benefits purposes all terminations after age 55 are treated as retirement. 


EE - Resignation-Other Employment

Code - OTD

When to use - Employee resigns/leaves for a position at another employer or an employee moves from monthly to hourly or vice versa; or student hourly to student work-study

Notes - Examples include:  Regular full-time Staff Nurse decides to work only PRN.


EE - Reas Accom Unavailable/EE not want

Code - HEA

When to use - Must be approved by FSDS or LDA; Employee health condition cannot be accommodated or employee cannot work due to health

Notes - Merit staff will have recall rights with this code


EE - Personal/ Family Reasons

Code - FAM

When to use - Employee resigns due to self-disclosed reason (e.g., spouse/partner relocation, personal/family considerations, unknown reasons)

Notes - Examples include:  new parent decides to stay at home with child; partner relocated


EE - Military Service

Code - MLS

When to use - Self-disclosed military service

Notes - Examples include:  leave University to become full-time military personnel; do NOT use for deployment; may trigger re-employment rights under USERRA


EE - Job Abandonment

Code - JOB

When to use - After 3 full pre-scheduled shifts of not calling in or showing up or for faculty member who does not return to work

Notes - Template letter available from ELR


EE - Failure to Return from Leave

Code - LVE

When to use - Must be approved by FSDS or LDA; Employee chooses not to return from an approved medical leave. 

Notes - Merit staff will NOT have recall rights with this code.


EE - Early Retirement

Code - ERT

When to use - Must be approved by University HR; Employer has a BOR-approved early retirement plan


EE - Death

Code - DEA

When to use - Employee passes away during employment


EE - Become Self-Employed

Code - OBS



Termination Reasons - Employer initiated

ER - Unsatisfactory Performance

Code - TAF

When to use - Employer terminates for the employee’s unsatisfactory performance

Notes - ELR consultation encouraged; Examples include: poor/low productivity; employee in good faith does not demonstrate requisite skills for the position


ER - Term During Probation

Code - TDP

When to use - Employer terminates during probation for unsatisfactory progress

Notes - Employee may have recall rights to previously held class where probation completed successfully; do NOT use for misconduct during probation


ER - No Longer Eligible for Appointment Type

Code - NLR

When to use -

• Employer terminates employee due to lack of required license/ certification

• Employer terminates student hourly employee due to lack of enrollment hours and/or lack of Work-Study funding.

Notes - ELR consultation encouraged;  Examples include:  Driver’s license required on the job description and the employee loses license;

It is not necessary to terminate work-study students whose eligibility has been earned UNLESS the department cannot afford to cover 100% of the wage.  If the department CAN continue to employ the work-study student paying 100% of the wage then a term report should NOT be filed.  Questions should go to Student Employment or Office of Student Financial Aid (work-study).

ER - Misconduct

Code - CON

When to use - Employer terminates for misconduct

Notes - Examples include:  theft, impairment, absenteeism; may be series of events or single incident of misconduct

ER - Layoff/Position Elimination

Code - ELI

When to use - Must be approved by University HR ELR; Employer terminates with an approved layoff plan.

Notes - Merit and P&S staff may have recall or priority rights with this code.

ER - P&S Layoff with Retiree Benefits

Code - FRB

When to use - When terminating a laid-off P&S non-bargaining employee who is at least 55 years of age and has career status or at least two years in specified term status.

Notes - Cannot be used for Faculty, Institutional Officers, SEIU, or Merit employees.  It also cannot be used for P&S staff who are probationary, At Will, or have less than two years in specified term status.

ER - End of Employment/Appt

Code - TMP

When to use - Use only for end of term or temp appointments when leaving the University

Notes - Not recommended for end of Work-Study appointment

Termination Reasons - Faculty

EEF - Resign: Emp Other Educ Inst

Code - OTH

When to use - Faculty member resigns from the UI to accept a faculty position at another university, college, etc. Please see “Acad Admin Position” for faculty who leave for administrative position.

Notes - FOR FACULTY ONLY. Add the name of the institution in the “Remarks" section of the form.


EEF - Resign: Emp Non-Edu Inst

Code - NED

When to use - Faculty member resigns to pursue employment outside higher education (e.g., private corporation, government)



EEF - Resign: To Private Practice

Code - PPR

When to use - Faculty member resigns to pursue private practice working with clients (e.g., patients, legal clients, therapists)



EEF - Resign: Acad Admin Position

Code - AAP

When to use - Faculty member resigns to accept an academic administrative position (e.g., Dean, VP, President) at a different institution



ER - No Tenure Received

Code - NTR

When to use - For faculty member who does not receive tenure.


ER - Mutual Consent

Code - MUT

When to use - Faculty member agrees to proposal of ending contract.