All laid-off staff may request to make their resumes/CVs available to UI recruiters through the Layoff Resume Job Pool. For Career, Specified Term, Probationary and At-will employees, this is a separate option from requesting interview priority or interview consideration for positions posted on the Jobs at Iowa website.
Departments that find a qualified applicant before or during advertising their position on Jobs at Iowa may utilize the Layoff Networking Program to interview and hire the laid-off employee. If the hiring department would like to interview the laid-off employee, the department will be responsible for scheduling an interview.
All P&S laid-off employees who want to make their resumes/CVs available in the Layoff Resume Job Pool must contact Compensation and Classification ( to initiate this option. Once initiated, the option will remain in effect until the employee is no longer considered laid off.
Departments that identify individuals who meet their qualifications can interview and hire laid-off employees for new or existing positions which may or may not be advertised. Procedures of the Layoff Networking Program will apply.