The University of Iowa Lactation Room Locations, including UI Health Care rooms, are listed alphabetically on this site and can be seen on an interactive campus map.

Medela Symphony breast pumps are available in many of the on-campus lactation rooms. Personal tubing for the pumps is not provided and can be found at many retail locations including online sources.

For questions about a specific room, please contact the room contact listed. Please see the Cleaning Guide Poster for Your Lactation Space, to help in keeping your lactation spaces clean.

Icon representing a map pin

Lactation rooms map

Use this interactive map to find a lactation room on campus near you.


Information for Lactation Room Contacts

Thank you for serving as a local contact for an on-campus lactation room. The University of Iowa is committed to supporting nursing parents at work by providing on-campus lactation rooms and encouraging workplace flexibility for the purpose of pumping.

Room contacts tend to work in departments located near the on-campus lactation room. Contacts work with the manager of family services or directly with their local custodial and/or maintenance teams when needs occur.

The role of the lactation room contact is to:

  • Coordinate with Family Services to obtain or replace a Medela Symphony breast pump for the space if applicable. The lactation room contact will be required to complete a pump loan agreement form, kept on file by Family Services.  
  • Provide nursing mothers information about room scheduling (options below) and directions to the space(s).
  • Provide key or badge access when requested (this only pertains to locked rooms).
  • Report any cleaning or maintenance needs to their local custodial and/or maintenance team.
  • Occasionally check rooms for cleanliness and stocked supplies (custodial services provides supplies such as paper towels, upon request).

Scheduling Templates

Creating a schedule provides an easy way for nursing mothers to

Iowa ICON - Calendar with a clock

know when the room is available for use. Below are three types of schedules that have proven successful in on-campus lactation rooms.

  1. Paper schedule
  2. Whiteboard
  3. Shared Outlook calendar (preferred method)

A shared Outlook calendar works very well in departments and buildings where nursing mothers will have regular access Outlook and/or a computer. This allows them to see the schedule at any time throughout the day and adjust their times as needed based on their work schedules. Please see Step-by-step instructions to set-up a shared Outlook calendar.

A-Z by Campus Building


Adler Building

Room Contact: Family Services, 319-335-3558

Room W112
Counter, Sink, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Changing Table


Biology Building

Room Contact: Emily Koury, 319-335-1214

(East) Women's Restroom Basement
Sink, Chair, Counter

Blank Honors Center

Room Contact: Pamela Bullers, 319-335-5190

4th Floor, 404A - a room within Women's Restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Counter, Chair, Sink

Bowen Science Building

Room Contact:

4th Floor, 4666-A – a room within the Women’s Restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Chair, Sink, Counter

Boyd Law Building

Room Contact: Circulation desk staff, 319-335-9002
3rd Floor, room 318 

Burge Hall

Room contact: Chris Hockensmith, 319-335-1004
Obtain key at Burge front desk

Burge basement - a room within the old rec room
Chair, table


Calvin Hall

Visit the front desk receptionist (310 CALH) for a key.

Room is on the lower level, separate room within Women's restroom
Chair, Counter, Sink

Carver Hawkeye Arena

Room Contact Suzanne Hilleman,

Room is on the 3rd floor, S364 (go into Assistant Coaches Office Suite area)
Chair, Counter, Sink

Catlett Residence Hall

Contact 319-467-0032 with questions

Room 323-separate room within the Women's Restroom
Chair, Ottoman, Diaper Changing Station, Sink

Center for Disabilities and Development

Room Contact: Joan Lewis, 319-356-1511

Room is located next to Room 150 (Solomon Conference Room) on the south side of the building close to elevator B

Chair, End Table, Door locks from inside and is left open when not occupied (no key or badge access necessary)

Chemistry Building

Room Contact: Brenna Goode, 319-335-1351

Medela Symphony Pump, Chair, Counter

College of Nursing

Contact Molly James, 319-335-7075, for a key and scheduling information

Separate room within the 3rd floor Women's Restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Counter, Chair, Refrigerator, Sink

College of Public Health

Room Contact:

Lower Level, Room S042
Medela Symphony Pump, Counter, Sink, Chair, Table,

Campus Recreation and Wellness Center

Room Contact: Shea McMurray, 319-335-9295

E149A 1st floor, Women's Restroom, room is inside the restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Chair, Sink, Counter, Key Lock (visit the Membership Services desk for the key)


Dental Sciences Building

Contact Dental Human Resources for key, 319-335-7156

S124 & S126, South Side, 1st Floor
Medela Symphony Pump, Chair, Sink, Counter, Key Lock


Eckstein Medical Research Building

Room Contact:

21A, lower level of EMRB, must obtain a key from L191 MERF to access room
Counter, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Key Lock

Engineering Building (Seamans Center)

Room Contact: Jill McNamara (319- 335-5765) or Jane Kirsch (319-335-0676) to obtain access to room 4521 SC.
Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Refrigerator, Sink

English Philosophy Building (EPB)

Room Contact: Kris Bevelacqua, 319-335-0178, no key needed

Room 569 


Field House

Room S501
Open during normal business hours. If needing to access after business hours, please find an on-site supervisor.


Hancher Auditorium

Room 1029A (front of house)
No key required for entry

Hardin Library for Health Sciences

Room Contact: Catherine Reed Thureson, 319-335-7221

Room 430 (visit the library information desk for key)
Medela Symphony Pump, Wireless Internet, Late Hours Access, Key Lock, Counter Top, Chair, Near to restroom

Healthcare Support Services Building

Room Contact: Front Desk Support Staff; 319-467-6400

  • Lower Level Room 0400, Reserve time to use this room on Outlook calendar "Lactation Room HSSB 0400"
    • Medela Symphony Pump, Counter Top, Chair
  • First Floor Room 1101, Reserve time to use this room on Outlook calendar "Lactation Room HSSB 1101"
    • Medela Symphony Pump, Counter Top, Chair
  • Second Floor (secure area) Room 2101, Reserve time to use this room on Outlook calendar "Lactation Room HSSB 2101"
    • Medela Symphony Pump, Counter Top, Chair
  • Third Floor (secure area) Room 3101, Reserve time to use this room on Outlook calendar "Lactation Room HSSB 3101"
    • Medela Symphony Pump, Counter Top, Chair


Iowa Memorial Union

Room Contact: Family Services, 319-335-3558

Room within 1st floor of the Iowa House Hotel Lobby Women's Restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Table, Chair

Iowa River Landing

See security officer for ID card access

Room 2643 - 2nd floor (multiple stations within the room)
Medela Symphony Pump, Sink, Counter, Refrigerator, Chair


Kinnick Stadium

Contact the North First Aid staff, 319-335-0497 or the Department of Emergency Medicine, 319-384-6562 with regard to questions/supplies/issues.

Room 133, located adjacent to the Men's restroom near section 133 (ground level) nearest to Gate H. For access to this area, all patrons need to check in/out with the North First Aid staff to unlock/lock the facility (notice is posted on door).
Sink, counter, chair, and hand dryer


Law Library

Room Contact: Circulation Desk Staff, 319-335-9002

3rd floor-room 318

Lindquist Center (South)

Room Contact: Katie Dasse for a key (229 LC - office right next door to lactation room), or Bettina Hass, 319-335-6182

2nd Floor, Room 227A, separate room within Women's Restroom
Chair, Counter, Sink, Medela Symphony Pump


Medical Education and Research Facility

Room Contact: for a key

L111B & L111C,
Table, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, near Bathroom

Medical Laboratories

Room Contact:

2107 (Separate room in 2nd Floor Women's Restroom)
Table, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump


Nursing Building

Room Contact: Molly James, 319-335-7075, for a key and scheduling information

Separate room within the 3rd floor Women's Restroom
Medela Symphony Pump, Counter, Chair


Pappajohn Biomedical Discovery Building

Room Contact: for ID Card access prior to using the rooms 

Room 1308 - Medela Symphony pump, sink counter, chair
Room B300 - Medela Symphony pump, sink, counter chair

Pappajohn Business Building

Room Contact: Renee Kurtenbach for the key to the room, 319-335-0176, C120

Room S353
Sink, Counter, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Refrigerator, Key Lock

Petersen Hall

Room Contact: Anna Holbrook, 319-353-4380

Rm 52, lower level of Peterson Hall right off the Grand Avenue entrance.
Chair, ottoman, diaper changing station, sink

Pharmacy Building

Table, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Sink

Phillips Hall

6th floor, Room 610 - separate room within the Women's Restroom
Table and Chair

Pomerantz Center

Room C232 Medela Symphony Pump, Sink, Counter, Chair, Refrigerator


Schaeffer Hall

Room Contact: Family Services, 319-335-3558

2nd floor, separate room within Women's Restroom
Sink, Counter, Chair, Medela Symphony Pump

Seamans Center (Engineering Building)

Room Contact: Jill McNamara (319- 335-5765) or Jane Kirsch (319-335-0676) to obtain access to room 4521 SC.
Chair, Medela Symphony Pump, Refrigerator, Sink

Stanley Museum of Art

Room Contact: call 319-335-1727 or visit the museum Welcome Desk for access to the space. 

Room #310
Medela Symphony pump, counter, chair, sink, refrigerator

State Hygienic Lab

Room Contact: Heather Schnoebelen, 319-335-4446

Lower Level
Sink, counter, chair

Stuit Hall

Room Contact: Becky Huber, 319-335-3541

3rd floor, Room 305
Sink, Counter, Chair


University Capitol Centre

Room Contact: Amy Green, 319-335-1433 for access to the restrooms and lactation room. Keys can be picked up at 1111 UCC.

First Floor Women's Restroom, Office of International Students & Scholars. 
Sink/Counter, Chair, Key Lock, Medela Symphony Pump

University Capitol Center, Conference Center

Room Contact: Jayme Johnson Strike, 319-335-3565. The key can be picked up at 111-JH.

Second Floor Women's Restroom, 2510B

University Services Building

Room Contact: Marianne Stratton for the key, 319-335-2420, 121 USB (key is located at the 1st floor Welcome Desk)

3rd floor, separate room within Women's Restroom
Reserve time to use this room on Outlook calendar RES-HR-USB-Lactation
Medela Symphony Pump, Sink, Counter, Chair, Key Lock

University of Iowa Health Care

UI Health Care has multiple lactation room locations throughout the hospital. To find and gain access to the location most convenient for you, contact Lucas Schofield in Health Care Human Resources at 319-356-2008 or in office C109-C GH. Locations include:

UI Health Care Medical Center Downtown

Reach out to your HR Representative to find a lactation space in close proximity to you work location.


Veterans Hospital

Room Contact: Cara Carter, 319-338-0581, Ext. 3591

2W115 VA
Medela Lactina Select Pump, Two Chairs, Sink, Key Lock

Voxman Music Building

Room Contact: Kathy Reeves, 319-335-1613 for keys

5202B VOX