Table Legend for Employed Grad Students

Before-Tax Premium = The premium amount deducted from pay on a before-tax basis.
After-Tax Premium = The premium amount deducted from pay on an after-tax basis.
Total Premium Deduction = The before-tax amount + the after-tax amount.
Taxable Amount = The amount added to your earnings to offset the after-tax premium. You are taxed on this amount.
Total Cost of Domestic Partner Coverage = The total amount that will be deducted from pay on an after-tax basis (the taxable amount offsets this)

Employed Grad + Domestic Partner Monthly Premium Rates

Plan Year 2024 - 2025  |  Rates effective Sep. 01, 2024 - Aug. 31, 2025

Employed Grad Stdnt + Domestic PartnerBefore Tax PremiumAfter-Tax PremiumTotal Premium DeductionTaxable AmountTotal Cost of Dom. Partner Coverage
Student Dental$3.75$22.00$25.75$11.65$14.10

Employed Grad + Domestic Partner Monthly Premium Rates

Plan Year 2023 - 2024  |  Rates effective Sep. 01, 2023 - Aug. 31, 2024

Employed Grad Stdnt + Domestic PartnerBefore Tax PremiumAfter-Tax PremiumTotal Premium DeductionTaxable AmountTotal Cost of Dom. Partner Coverage
Student Dental$3.75$22.00$25.75$11.65$14.10