Career development is the overlap of the organization’s needs with the individual employee’s career interests. It can also be described as an ongoing process of gaining knowledge and improving skills that allows an employee, when in alignment with the organization’s needs and individual career interests, the opportunity to advance their career.

The graphic illustrates that when the needs of the unit overlap with the individual's interests, career development plans and goals can be developed. The organization’s needs may arise from new competencies needed in the workplace, new strategic initiatives or other opportunities to fill emerging roles or open positions. Individual career interest may be identified through the person’s strengths and development needs, long term career interests or annual goals for professional development.
The key areas of responsibility (KAR's) defining the job classifications and the competencies that are necessary to carry out these responsibilities will help individuals and their supervisors in setting goals and planning for career development to meet the needs of the unit.
The pay practices will also support career development by providing the opportunity for salary adjustments to recognize significant changes in responsibility, whether or not the change is sufficient to justify new classification assignment via promotion or career shift.