
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

OD consultation (previously known as Workplace Consultation) is a partnership with your Senior HR representative. Contacting your Senior HR representative is the first step of seeking services. If you are wanting to briefly discuss our process and potential services, you may also contact us at

The Consult Process

Step 1. Partnering to assess and to answer these questions.

What needs work? What will success look like?

From the start, we ask that you also invite your local HR and leadership in your area who will be sponsoring the consultation and changes needed.

 Please come ready to discuss the reason for your request, including:

  • Organizational charts or reporting structures
  • Vision, goals, and strategic plan
  • Overall performance and engagement, and Working @ Iowa results
  • Clarity of the changes you are seeking, actions taken, and anticipated needs
  • At the start of the consult process, we can discuss if training will be part of the improvements you are seeking. For more on training, visit UI Learning & Development.

Step 2. Determining the approach

  • Priorities and focus of consult are established.
  • Determine who needs to participate in process, and communication plans. 
  • Choose strategies to support change at individual and unit level.
  • Do further assessments if necessary, e.g. focus groups, interviews, surveys, etc.

Step 3. Contract for consultation

  • Goals and measures of success are agreed upon with leadership.
  • Roles and responsibilities of leaders, supervisors, faculty/staff and consultants are established.
  • Time frames are developed.
  • Communication and feedback mechanisms are formed.
  • Assessment and evaluation of the changes are planned. (e.g. interviews, surveys, etc.)

Step 4. Implementation

What OD provides: Tools, facilitation, and structure for change.

What the unit/department/college provides: Taking ownership of the initiative and its results, effectively communicating the importance of change and its implementation, valuing and including multiple perspectives.

  • Planned actions by unit leadership, HR, and OE occur.
  • Ongoing assessment and feedback.
  • Regular communication is maintained.

Step 5. Evaluation and Closing

  • Outcomes: Individual, group and consultants provide evaluation through closing survey.
  • Closing Meeting: Leadership, HR, and OE Consultants discuss outcomes and recommendations for continued success.

Step 6. Follow-up is available

  • OE consultants can follow-up at the intervals discussed during the closing meeting.
  • Debriefing to maintain improvements, and discuss changes, impairments, and further strategies and supports.