The OE Consultation Process

Step 1: Submit a Request
To start, send an email to with a brief description of your needs or challenges.
Step 2: Discovery Conversation
We'll select an expert consultant who will touch base with you to discuss your goals, challenges, and the specifics of your request. In this conversation, we’ll explore your desired outcomes and any factors that may be impacting the issue.
Step 3: Receive Recommendations
Following the discovery phase, your consultant will reach out to you with tailored recommendations. Our goal is to provide options so you can choose the approach that fits best.
Step 4: Choose Your Path
With the recommendations in hand, you’ll select the option that best aligns with your needs. We’re available to answer any questions or clarify details to help you make an informed decision.
Step 5: Implement and Collaborate
In the implementation phase, your assigned consultant works with you to carry out the chosen plan. This can include consultation meetings, training, workshops, resources, or external referrals as needed. Throughout the process, we partner with you to ensure everything goes smoothly and effectively.