
UI Employee Assistance Program

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Email or call to schedule an appointment

The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential, short-term counseling and referral service provided at no cost to UI faculty, staff, postdocs, medical residents, their spouses/partners, and insurance-eligible dependents living in Iowa.

EAP also provides consultation to campus supervisors and leaders. As a leader or supervisor, you are in a unique position to encourage employees to seek assistance for their problems.

Supervisors may opt to consult with EAP when employees’ personal problems might be affecting work performance. It is often difficult for supervisors to address unacceptable performance with employees. It is also often difficult for employees to accept that they may be having performance problems that need attention.

By addressing performance issues while offering the EAP as a source of professional help, supervisors can provide encouragement for employees' overall health and productivity. Campus supervisors and leaders are encouraged to recommend voluntary use of UI EAP to employees who may be having performance problems, as these are frequently associated with personal difficulties.

Mental Health and Well-Being



This on-demand training is designed for UI supervisors and managers and focuses on supporting the mental health and well-being of employees. By improving your knowledge and skills in understanding and identifying mental health concerns, you will be better equipped to support your staff.

Enroll in MHWB Course


When the following situations occur in the workplace, the EAP may help you address the problem:

  • Changes in work performance that could be either sudden or develop over a period of time
  • Absenteeism or attendance problems
  • Deteriorating or inconsistent work performance
  • Presenteeism (i.e. being at work but not "on the job")
  • Frequent or increased tardiness
  • Increased errors, accidents, or missed deadlines
  • Difficulties with concentration, confusion
  • Change in attitude, mood, appearance
  • Change in work relationships
  • Frequent complaints either by the employee or about the employee by others
  • When an employee shares a personal problem with you
  • When you are feeling stressed, frustrated, helpless, disappointed, or anxious when thinking about an employee's work performance problems 

EAP also can provide information and assistance in finding the resources you may need to address your concerns with the employee. 

Additional Supervisor Resources

The Employee Assistance Program offers educational opportunities for University of Iowa departments and workgroups at no cost. Although EAP will work with departments to develop topics that address their specific interests, in general, EAP offers the following talks:

Additional Resources