A conversation with your supervisor is the best way to express your interest in flexible work options. Once you develop an arrangement that fits your job, you’ll document it using the university’s Work Arrangement Application.
Employee Questions
What are your college or unit practices for flexible work options?
Most university jobs require on-campus work. Colleges and administrative units determine which jobs are eligible for remote work or other types of flexibility.
If you’re not sure whether your job qualifies, ask your supervisor or your local HR representative.
Would a short-term arrangement be sufficient?
The university encourages colleges and units to provide intermittent flexibility that helps all employees meet day-to-day needs. Short-term arrangements (i.e., less than 30 days) can fit a wider variety of jobs and don’t require the same degree of documentation or evaluation.
For example, you might propose working from home for a week or so, or temporarily changing your schedule. If a short-term arrangement might help, start by talking with your supervisor.
How and where do you do your best work?
Work arrangements take can various forms—see the most common types to consider which arrangement best fits your job responsibilities, your unit’s needs, and your work preferences.
How will you manage distractions?
If you’re thinking about remote or hybrid (part remote, part on-campus) work, establish how you’ll manage potential distractions or competing obligations. Remember that remote work isn’t a substitute for child care—don’t expect that you can attend to work and caregiving responsibilities at the same time.
What equipment do you need?
In general, the university provides information technology and any office equipment only for an employee’s primary work location.
If you’re proposing a remote or hybrid work arrangement, identify the tools and support you’ll need. These might include:
- Computer and peripherals
- Software
- Access to calendaring, communications, and other services
- IT security compliance
- Any additional equipment
Also, keep in mind that remote/hybrid employees are generally responsible for arranging, maintaining, and paying for their own internet service and home networking.
The university generally does not provide large office furniture for remote work sites. Your unit may provide small non-IT equipment (e.g., office chairs) and supplies.
Where will you work when working on campus?
For hybrid or remote arrangements where you’ll spend at least some time on campus, establish where you’ll work when you’re on site.
Remote and mostly-hybrid workers don’t typically have assigned campus workstations. That means you may need to use a shared workspace. Talk to your supervisor about available options.
The university, college/unit, or your department may occasionally designate on-campus priority days when most employees are expected to work from on-campus locations.
How will you stay connected to colleagues and reports?
Talk with your supervisor about how you’ll participate in meetings, respond to colleague or customer requests, and otherwise stay connected. Remote work or alternative schedules demands pro-active commitment to communication.
This is especially true if you manage people. Make sure you’ve developed plans that fit the needs of anyone who reports to you and check in regularly to establish what’s working and what needs improvement.
Are your job responsibilities changing?
For some people, flexible work means a change in appointment percentage, classification, or job responsibilities.
Make sure you and your supervisor have a shared understanding of what these changes mean, including who will assume any responsibilities you hand off.
Also, check how any changes to your appointment might affect your employee benefits.
How will you evaluate the arrangement?
During the annual performance review cycle, you and your supervisor should assess any flexible work arrangements you’ve implemented. All work arrangements should be evaluated at least once a year.
Consider what specific measures you’ll review to determine what’s working and what’s not. For example, you might look at factors like productivity, communication, and professional development.
Be prepared to make adjustments in between formal reviews. New work arrangements, especially, may require modification as you go.
The questions above cover topics that help you plan a work arrangement proposal. Once you start documenting new work arrangements, see common questions about the Work Arrangement Application.